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2022-05-03 21:54:07观后感访问手机版194

Open one's mind, pursue place to love —— movie " interior backstop " the feeling after view


The master of the film is a talent teenager that is called Weir. Titles is visional the maths of dimly discernible is formulary, added a secret touch for him. But be below the appearance of high intelligence quotient, hiding the heart of a scared loneliness. He does not know what he wants, what do oneself love.


Nevertheless fortunately, he encountered the ” of “ heart backstop of an acumen and an outstanding girl. Gradually, he one pace opens his mind, put down the past, go bravely pursueing love of the place in the heart.


He is an orphan, this also brought up his disposition blemish, he yearns for love, kiss affection, but he is same,fear to lose. One accidental in, he knew a beautiful girl, he fell in love with her. As if in his life appeared a bundle of light. The smile on the face is gradually much rise. He is to love her in that way, but more fear to lose him, so he chose to conceal setting of his one's life experience. He does not blink even the eye the ” of 12 “ elder brother that spoke his, he thinks his camouflage is flawless. But that day still wants to face after all.


The girl put forward to want to go his home town, weir is hesitant. The girl ground of make use of an opportunity to do sth the “ him the crammer tear of ” of 12 elder brothers. Weir is very angry, the appearance that he gets angry is so let a person fear, let popular feeling ache again at the same time. He spoke “ against one's will to the girl even I do not love your ” . Tear excessive became full orbit ……


Next we should see the interior backstop that sees us. See when him this bodily form is a little simple and honest for the first time, look at conscientiously, when still taking a somber old man, he is not care a cent. (at this moment he still is interacting with the girl) he lets write a composition then with vitriolic language a professor fly into a rage. But the angle of the person that in us these watch a movie often looks, reading the language that seems acerbity acuity also is actually those who reflected him is babyish with immature. He envies others to be able to have love, he yearns for, he is envious, just go with the sort of babyish means so shame other people.


Professor not plan past grudge, guide step by step, of little go chatting. Most that word that makes a person impressive is Weir when the mood breaks down, he questions closely ceaselessly, incorrect, it is to be informed ceaselessly probably will more clearly understand some of “ you do not have a fault, you do not have wrong ……” is, the labyrinthian pinch on life journey are we wrong? No matter be the pinch of childhood, after be brought up alone. Weir is uncontrollable the happening of these things, but he also does not have a fault, affairs of human life expects hard, everybody needs the course that grow. In this process, we may enrage act knowingly, we may act wilfully, always not be wrong end on his body. Debus the fetter of that a suit, you can go some more easily.


You want “ truly what, weir? Professor ” asks Weir. Does Weir answer not to come out actually? ! One can solve the gift that gives the mathematical difficult problem that understands hard in eye of so much ordinary person to be asked by this simple question actually. So rhetorical question our oneself, can you answer this simple question? Read so old book, have for what is wanting to be clear about oneself and of study?


Final Weir heartens eventually, accepted another maths to teach the job of arrangement. Next, those who make a person gratified is, the girl that he goes to searching him ……


Weir faced up to his blemish, the place in understanding a heart wants that end of pursuit. This to us also be inspire one kind, open one's mind, pursue a love!
