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2022-05-02 18:33:42观后感访问手机版164

See the movie " poor mother " I already was to burst into tears, that beautiful mother a few times for his son within an inch of loses life, however her son special however give presents she, make this mother very gratified.


Because son high fever is not retreated,what this film tells about is a mother, the bridge that leads to a hospital was stemmed again, so she is risking harships alone, the place that calls cliff of “ loving mother ” to collects medicinal herbs, because her body is very frail, the ground very slippery, so she threw several Jiao heavily. I in those days wish to jump, carry a hospital to this mother directly before, let her get hurt no longer, the patient's condition that allows that small composition friend quickly better, do not let her have any dangerous cases, do not let …… think consider is worn, tear can'ts help flowing again full my face.


On the life, my mother also loves me very much, as long as I am obedient, the regular meeting that she can accomplish satisfies me, every can be knitted to winter mom piece namely warm beautiful sweater is worn to me, I fall ill, she can be not had small take care of my company to be beside me without what come, every time the abstruse number problem that I do not know to do, she can be solved inside very short time come out and let my understanding get very clear ……


Walk out of a cinema, say silently in my heart: “ mom; I can love your ” forever.
