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2022-06-08 20:07:07读后感访问手机版158

One night in the dead of night, I looked up at the sky with Jane Eyre. The moonlight exuded a strong breath, the twinkling stars showed good talent, the wind blew through the treetops like shouting for a better future, and the fallen leaves fluttered a brave taste. Tears filled my eyes, I left an unyielding figure, and tears of integrity flowed from the corners of my eyes. Look! Under the eaves stood a strong, kind and brave girl named Jane Eyre, a model of growing up in adversity


Jane Eyre is an orphan girl. Her parents died when she was a child. She suffered different treatment from her peers. She was despised by her aunt, despised by her cousin and severely beaten by her cousin, but she lived a strong life different from her peers. She may not be beautiful, but she has a purer heart than beauty. She may not be rich, but she has a braver spirit than wealth. Even if fate is unfair to her, she has the quality of raising her chest and changing fate! All the misfortunes brought to her by fate not only didn't let her give up, but also created a strong, honest, confident and kind heart. Finally, her character finally moved God, and she has a new life, a new partner and a new future


After reading the whole book, my heart can no longer suppress the excited and surging emotion, an ordinary she created an extraordinary future. When I looked up at the sky, I couldn't help shouting in my heart. Tears fell on the desk, as if evoking the soul of sleeping for thousands of years! The blood in my heart is boiling, as if watering all things in the world. The strings of words and illustrations in my mind melt into the seeds of love and spread in my heart, stirring up the struggle against fate. The fragrance of April is floating with the taste of happiness. My heart is also shocked by Jane Eyre's spiritual quality. Once, when I was doing a math problem, I was asked“ Stand in the way” Stuck, I racked my brains, grabbed my scalp, and was agitated. I couldn't help complaining about the people who made the topic. Seeing the words on those topics seemed to laugh at me. In this way, my heart was burning like a sea of fire. I couldn't write or draw. When the idea of giving up was coming, suddenly this book Jane Eyre came into my eyes, and my mind instantly recalled Jane Eyre's strong With the quality of bravery and the spirit of fighting against fate, I cheer up again and play twelve points of spirit and“ Stand in the way” After a while, I successfully solved the problem and gained my own achievements. Thank Jane Eyre for giving me unremitting inspiration. This book is always in my heart, just like a light, teaching me the truth and direction of life


through the understanding of Jane Eyre, I understand the love and dignity in the world. It is the bridge in our hearts and leads us to the beautiful other shore. Ikeda once said“ The dignity of life makes ordinary absolute norms. There is no equivalent to the dignity of life, and nothing can replace it” This book tells us that the best life for people is dignity and love. We should be full of confidence in the future life and care for the people around us. Even if the fate is unfair, we should be as tenacious and persistent as Jane Eyre to overcome difficulties and change our destiny, so as to live a wonderful life


Come out of the noisy world and enjoy Jane Eyre together. Make friends with Jane Eyre's soul, share all the beauty in the world with her, and walk into her heart to feel extraordinary dignity and love. The road of life is always full of setbacks and twists, but let's summon up courage and move forward together without fear of challenges! In the twinkling of an eye, the night is deeper, the surroundings are quiet, and Jane Eyre is still standing under the house, oh! How I want to hug her, how I want to touch the road in adversity“ Dawn” Ah……
