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2022-06-08 20:06:06读后感访问手机版479

“ One to two or three miles, four or five families in Yancun, six or seven buildings, and eighty or ninety flowers”. The memory of children in Jiangnan always starts with mountains and water. The awakening of the pond water in spring goes hand in hand with the germination of willow buds. In the rainy days of summer, listen to the wind chimes under the eaves. Every person in Jiangnan who leaves his hometown can dream back to his hometown here


when I first read Shen Shuzhi's eighty or ninety flowers, I always felt a little melancholy. Born in the countryside of Anhui Province, the author has been with Tian Geng and ponds since childhood. The book describes the childhood memories of beating pig grass, pinching spring flowers and picking loquats. It seems ordinary, but it is the joy of prosperity in childhood. When I go to school, I always write“ Good” A Chinese teacher, a male classmate who helps him solve math problems, a history teacher who points out his future, and a hometown personnel teacher with deep memory


one essay after another, I guess repeatedly that I seem to be in my hometown. At that time, the sky was blue, there were no high-rise buildings, and there were many small animals at home. They were very noisy. My grandfather loved to raise flowers, and my grandmother liked to weave clothes. Life was natural and simple. The smell of hometown can always pull out the fantasy and desire from the bottom of my heart, like a wonderful lead. Everyone has a hometown in his heart and misses the past and people of his hometown


And what we really understand is the undivided childlike innocence. When I was a child, my beloved toy broke down and my composition would be sad for a while, but I felt fun when I went to the field. Now, with our busy studies, can we still have a leisurely mood and return to childhood? When we really want to be a child, we will find that our original heart has changed, mostly those who are no longer naive or disdainful. In this book, not only the words, but the author put himself in his young self and found the memory of his hometown. We are not old, but we have lost our original life. We should keep our original heart as before


spring will come and go. How long is one's life. Seeing all kinds of things in the world, what you can't get tired of is the landscape and human feelings of your hometown. Simple words, simple life and simple happiness are people's constant pursuit. When we dream back to our hometown, become children, run in the countryside, the soles of our feet are full of mud, but we are not happy, this is thick Acacia. Seize the time, take a look at the scenery of your hometown and do what you dreamed of in childhood, so that you will not regret your life


or think more, but people in Jiangnan miss the taste of water chestnut and osmanthus cake everywhere. The reason is the same. Pure joy is precious. When we recite“ One to two or three miles, four or five families in Yancun, six or seven buildings, eight or nine flowers”, You can also feel the happiness of children. The most important thing is never to forget your hometown
