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2022-09-23 17:31:02三年级访问手机版313


At 7 o'clock, lunar girl and starlet people amuse oneself, they play but happy.


But, a star hears the world is very beautiful, it wants to go the world has a look beautiful scenery. Then, it takes the advantage of lunar girl carelessly, jumped. Starlet falls in a brushwood, a fox and little clever boy saw starlet, ask strangely: "Hello! I call a fox, this is my friend monkey, who are you? " starlet is blinking an eye to reply: "I call starlet, I hear the world is very beautiful, jump down from the sky. " fox and monkey say: "Hello! Starlet, here has the flower of multicoloured, green green grass, here amused interesting, we play slippery slide together! " starlet says gladly: "Good! "Good!!


They have say to have laugh at the ground to go to play slippery slide, on the road, they encounter large tree elder brother to writing line of business woebegonely, its solilo-quize: "Hey! The light is too dark, I see not clear word. " starlet heard, climb a tree stealthily, give off dazzling ray, bright sparkle. Large tree elder brother sees light, feel very strange, starlet says: "Cultivate an elder brother greatly, you looked so that see a word now! " large tree elder brother looks up to look, saw starlet, face by " shade " turn " fine " , say gladly: "Thank you, starlet. " large tree elder brother kept operation rapidly.


Starlet just helps large tree elder brother, the duck that saw river side is anxious again, anxious is worn the light is too dark, cannot cross a river, starlet says to duckling: "Duck aunt, I can give out light, I can let you cross a river. " duckling says gladly: "Too good. " then, starlet climbs the back of the duck, duckling saw light, crossed a river happily.


At this moment, starlet wanted to come home a bit, then, small fox and monkey looked for shot champion -- elephant, elephant says: "Hold firmly my nose, my number 3, 2, 1 put. " starlet was understood, "3, 2, 1, put. " see elephant exerts all his strength to be swung with nose only, starlet flew back to a sky again.


They who cannot forget, when fox or little clever boy think it, it blinks an eye to them.
