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2022-09-23 17:32:04三年级访问手机版273


A day, star is familial much a fresh blood -- starlet. Because its stature is small, not quite bright, often be mocked by other tiny spot so, starlet becomes darker and darker.


Abrupt one day, starlet cannot be borne really, wave secretly fall to the world, hide in brushwood, crying sadly in a low voice. At this moment, voice of small fox abide goes, discovered weepy starlet, ask hastily: " starlet, starlet, you are absent the sky, how to hide in brushwood? " starlet grievance ground replies: "" because other tiny spot bullies me,be particularly special dark, I am forced to hide in brushwood. " oh, it is so such ah, small fox understood.


Small fox heart thinks: How do I want a star brighten? Then he looks for a doggie to think way together. The doggie thought a little while, say: " otherwise, we wash starlet clean. " " can try. " small fox agitato replies. They took a bathtub to give starlet. But was washed, starlet still did not change. Small fox beats cerebral door suddenly, say aloud: " oh, go to my home taking dye of a few gold, besmear is on star body, is it not bright? " " be no good! Be no good! " the doggie says at once. "" why? " small fox is very strange. The doggie explains: "" how does that starlet bathe? " " right also. " small fox says. They considered a lot of methods again, did not succeed.


Starlet looks at warmhearted small fox and doggie, touch very. Be in at this moment, the thing that expect is less than happened: Star actually at a draught brighten, flare like gem! Small fox and doggie as if understood: Former star is bullied can pale, be met by care brighten ah!


Starlet from now on later still use hide? Of course not! Bright sparkle the night sky that it flew back to beauty happily again.
