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2022-05-13 23:55:50二年级访问手机版311

“ Ramen”, I've heard of it for a long time. Because many people told me what wonderful food it was. Unfortunately, I never ate it. But one day, my mother finally took me to eat ramen. I was very excited


before I got to the Ramen restaurant, I smelled a fragrance from afar. After entering the noodle shop, there are many kinds of ramen: beef, vegetables, eggs, and braised pork chops&hellip… I ordered a bowl of the most delicious and classic beef ramen. Just after ordering, the noodle making uncle began to get busy. He first cut a dough from the dough pile and rubbed it hard on the table. When the dough somersault, he grabbed both ends of the dough, pulled and tossed it, and waved his hands like a dance. The dough became very long. Just as the noodles were about to touch the table, he put the two ends of the noodles together and grabbed them with one hand and the middle of the noodles with the other hand, so that the dough became two thick noodles. Uncle kept repeating the action just now, turning two thick noodles into four, from four to eight, and from eight to sixteen&hellip… The noodles became thinner and thinner. Finally, they were ready. I pulled them several times. Sorry, I didn't see it clearly


the noodles were put into the pot, and soon the hot noodles were brought up. There were not only fragrant beef, but also green coriander on them. I took some noodles with chopsticks and tasted them. The taste was really good. This is the legendary Lanzhou Ramen
