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2022-05-13 22:40:18二年级访问手机版402

On a sunny day, the white and lovely little Aries are going to visit their old grandmother on the other side of the river. The strong black sheep are going to travel. They meet on the single wooden bridge


the little Aries smiled and said,“ I'm going to grandma's house. Please make way for me” The black sheep listened and said angrily:“ I want to travel and catch a bus. Why should I make way for you” They would not let anyone. They quarreled and quarreled, so they began to fight. The little black sheep looked at the little white sheep fiercely, and the little white sheep stared at him angrily, as if there were two big fireballs in his eyes. The little black sheep lowered his head, stretched out his pointed horn, half squatted down and suddenly pushed towards the little white sheep. The little white sheep dodged flexibly, avoided the attack of the black sheep, raised his front legs, kicked the black sheep's ass hard, and then raised his curved corner to top the black sheep


they fought fiercely and accidentally fell into the river. The two sheep shouted in unison:“ Help… Help, dying sheep” The little bear heard it and saved them. They regretted it and apologized to each other


in our life, we must learn to be humble to each other
