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2022-07-09 02:09:11初一访问手机版410

The short time is an unchangeable fact. But this is what each of us must experience. Experience is always extraordinary, but we still have to face it! This life is full of hardships. Growing and mature every day. We will all change with it. Sometimes it's naive. But this is all because we can live a carefree life! The passage of time is always so short. The mystery is always in my mind! I believe that each of us will grow and mature. I believe I will be equally happy in the near future. I hope that the change of time will not change, but only our original heart! I believe that under the leadership of the original heart, we will also be happier




the fleeting of time is always in it. But we won't change everything. Because this is everyone's experience. Different experiences will always lead us to different destinies! Grow up in this flying, mature in this passing. Believe that only in this way can the future run to you. Seize any opportunity at this time and don't always let yourself be full of regrets. Such a life will not be happy. Time will be fair to everyone. Believe that everything is the same to everyone. But the choice lies in your own hands. Everyone will have a different fate. I only hope that I have been treated gently by myself! If the passing time is gone, then learn to cherish the present. Maybe it's the only way. We can have everything better! Life should be full, don't leave any regrets




We have walked through this world, and we have tasted the ups and downs of this world. Perhaps only the orbit of the world is still changing. The same is still the original heart! What changes is our career. Time flies, I just hope I can catch it. After all, missed will be missed forever. I just hope all these opportunities will come to us. I hope this is also the pursuit now. What you want in the future! I wish everyone can live what they want now. All this is in your own hands. May tomorrow be still beautiful. The passage of time, live up to the beautiful youth


time is too dead, but this is a fact that can never be changed. I just hope the world has been gentle to us! We have a long way to go to grow here! I just hope each of us can have it. Believe that we have all gone through the road of this world. Treat all this. We hope to pay sincerely! I believe all the efforts will be rewarded. May tomorrow be better, our original heart is still the same


time is dying. I hope we can all get better
