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2022-07-09 00:00:02初一访问手机版465

In the evening, the sun sets, and the clouds in the sky reflect golden light. Just after the rain, the air is fresh and the weather is clear


our family took badminton rackets and walked to the park with relaxed steps. It seemed that there was a kind of fragrance in the air, refreshing. Close your eyes and feel the seemingly indistinct breeze. It's refreshing. Unconsciously, you cross the road and come to the park. The leaves of some trees in the park have turned yellow. As soon as the wind blows, they float and fall down, like brilliant butterflies dancing. On the ground, two golden carpets were thrown on both sides of the path, as if welcoming us

我们一家人拿着羽毛球拍,迈着轻松的步伐走向了公园,空气中仿佛散发着一种清香,沁人心脾。闭上眼,感受那似有似无的拂面微风,令人神清气爽,不知不觉中便跨过了马路,来到了公园。 图片公园里一些树的叶子已经变黄,风一吹,便飘飘然洒落下来,仿佛一只只灿烂的蝴蝶翩翩起舞。地上,小径两侧也扑上两道金黄的地毯,仿佛是在欢迎我们的到来。

through the grove, it suddenly opened up in front of me, and many people were playing here. Dad said with a sigh of relief, let's play badminton here. My mother and I agreed, so I immediately took out my badminton racket and started sports. Dad served first. He held his breath and calmed his mind. He threw the ball into the air. With a swing of the racket, a beautiful white arc was drawn in the air. My hand ran to the position of receiving the ball quickly, jumped and passed it back perfectly. My father and I played“ Eighteen kinds of martial arts;, Each shows his magic power. Fight 2. Write for 0 rounds, but in the end, I was out of strength and lost


My heart was a little unyielding, so my father encouraged me and said, come on, you can beat me. After listening, I took a deep breath, rearranged my posture, and carefully afterthought the deficiency just now. I thought it was running too frequently and consuming too much energy. This time I fully learned my lesson and tried not to run. After more than a dozen rounds, I was sure I didn't even breathe. Suddenly, my father served to my side and I realized that I had to run now. I dashed past with an arrow step, ha, impartial and hit the bull's-eye. My father didn't expect me to catch the ball. I was caught off guard and didn't catch the ball. My father was panting, but his face was full of pride:“ Yes, it has made great progress” I touched my head and smiled happily. I thought to myself that thanks to my father's encouragement, I was able to make progress, and my gratitude to my father came naturally

我心中有一点儿不服输,爸爸便鼓励我说,加油,你可以打败我的。我听后深呼吸一下,重新摆好架势,细细回味刚才的不足,自己认为是跑动过于频繁,过度耗费体力。这次我充分吸取教训,尽量不跑动,十几回合下来,果然连大气都不喘。忽然,爸爸朝我侧面发球,我意识到现在必须要跑。我一个箭步飞奔过去,哈,不偏不倚,正中靶心,爸爸没料到我接中了,猝不及防,没有接中球,爸爸气喘吁吁,脸上却充满了骄傲:“不错,进步不小。”我摸摸头,也高兴地笑了。我心里想,多亏了爸爸的鼓励,我才得以进步啊,心中对爸爸的感激油然而生 。

on the way home, we talked and laughed, filled with happiness and happiness. It's just the happiness of a family, mutual assistance and love. This kind of beauty cannot be expressed in thousands of words. It blooms in our hearts and moistens our hearts. How can this kind of love be a word of love
