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2022-07-08 22:09:11初一访问手机版216

In Jane Eyre, Helen; Burns is not the leading role, and died of illness very early. Although she is only a small person, it doesn't affect my attention and love for her at all. She is Jane· Love's first friend, Jane· The growth of love has a profound influence on personality


Helen· Burns is so erudite and insightful. When meeting Jane for the first time, as a little girl, she was reading La Silas, a book that seemed dull to Jane. She forgot everything when she read it. She knew French, English and Latin, held her own unique respect and pity for Charles I, and her understanding of various problems was so different&hellip… In the dialogue with Miss tambour, they talked about ancient nations and times, distant countries, the mysteries of nature that had been discovered or were being guessed, various books and things that little Jane Eyre had never heard of


She is so kind, tolerant and generous. She can't clean up her drawers well. Sometimes she is careless and disorganized, resulting in clean sex. The meticulous Miss sketched doesn't like her and often scolds her. During the recitation class, although Helen was in the least noticeable position at the end, Miss Sketcher kept scolding her. She answered the questions very smoothly, which can be said to be a fluent composition, but miss Sketcher shouted:“ Look at you dirty and annoying girl” Helen did not explain and silently endured her scolding. Miss sketchard hit her with a broom, but she didn't resist and bore it silently. She didn't blame miss sketchard either. She said:“ Fierce? Where! She is strict. What she hates is my shortcomings” Miss sketchard wrote“ on the cardboard; Sloppy” Two words, tied to Helen's forehead, Helen has been wearing it patiently until the evening without complaint. She regards it as a deserved punishment


Helen is a considerate and caring person. She understood the teacher's punishment and wanted her to correct her shortcomings. After Jane Eyre was publicly humiliated by bloochhurst, when she hid in the corner and cried, she came to Jane with coffee and bread, enlightened Jane Eyre, comforted Jane Eyre, and told her that bloochhurst was not a good man and was not respected. The girls didn't like him, and everyone must still sympathize with her. At the same time, I saw Helen's optimism and openness. She said to Jane:“ Look, only eighty people in all heard him say that about you, but there are tens of thousands of people in the world”


Helen is an unfortunate girl. Despite her erudition, kindness, forbearance and understanding, she left prematurely at the age of 13
