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2022-11-12 16:51:11读后感访问手机版400

" big forest He Xiaolin " it is one of Mr Zhang Tianyi's most outstanding fairy tale work, also be 20 centuries China's most outstanding fairy tale high-quality goods. Peculiar conception, exaggerated gimmick, bold imagination, labyrinthian clue, let me fondle admiringly to it.


Work of this fairy tale basically was told about big forest, xiaolin the story of two brother. Disaster makes them apart, two people went up to live disparately too. Elder brother big Lin Cheng rich home children, all day long eats his head off, give lackey to do the thing. Watch little brother Xiaolin to be caught instead do coolie, sleep only everyday 3 hours, still do not get a money, think method to also cannot escape.


It is so disparate experience, just brought up completely contrary ending. Big forest although live the garment to stretch one's hand everyday, the meal comes the life of dehisce, but his whats did this bring about to also won't work, whats are known, final and starved to death go up in the island. Although suffering can'ts bear character,Xiaolin passes, but the quality that he has laborious goodness, this let him know a lot of intimate good friends, fall finally in their help, small Lin Ye passes went up to live happily. In actual life, we also should resemble kind of small Lin Yi, do to be happy to help a person, active up person.


When just beginning to read this book, affirmative meeting somebody cannot help envying big forest the life, and feel for Xiaolin sympathize with, but, big forest is the life happy really? Popularly of instrument of fall forward man-machine feeds you to have a meal, how can you experience alimental delicate? Lackey talks for you, work, so does the meaning of the life where? Resemble the person that there is money only in those eyes socially, far from oneself make their money, change with all sorts of methods however, fine long hair is insignificant but character. See the person of rock-bottom society again, their joy always is so simple, if son exam has been taken an examination of, the article of bazaar is hit folded etc, can make them glad get happy to dance. So, no matter be poor or wealthy person, want you to cherish active state of mind only, you can discover joy actually very simple.


This book still has a lot of plots that are worth us to be savoured carefully, you are not read read look?
