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2022-06-09 00:07:09读后感访问手机版357

I am a little girl who loves reading. I have read many books this year, including "grandma" full of warmth, the touching "education of love" and "making up numbers"&hellip… Among them, my favorite is "make up numbers"

我是一个爱读书的小女孩。今年我读了许多书籍, 有充满温情的《外婆》,有感人肺腑的《爱的教育》,有让人受益匪浅的《滥竽充数》……其中我最喜欢的是《滥竽充数》。

Mr. Nanguo can't play Yu and cheated in the 300 member band of King Xuan of Qi. A few years later, king Qi Min came to power and wanted to blow one by one. Mr. Nanguo was so frightened that he ran away all night. People like Mr. Nanguo who rely on deception to cheat people for a living can cheat them for a while, but they can't cheat them for a lifetime. False is false, and finally can not escape the test of practice and be exposed to camouflage. Warn us to be down-to-earth and not learn from Mr. Nanguo


In the long river of history, there are also many people who make up numbers. During the Warring States period, Zhao Kuo, the general of the state of Zhao, read many military books since childhood and thought he was good at military art. Later, during the war, because of his disorderly command, more than 100000 Zhao troops were wiped out by the Qin army, and they were shot to death by disorderly arrows. This is the story of "talking on paper". Zhao Kuo is a person who makes up for numbers, a person who has no real talent and practical learning. Make up for the number, put the country in danger and let many soldiers lose their lives. It often happens around me. In the English class on Monday morning, Mr. Yao was talking about how to recite words, and I was listening carefully. Yu Guang was dissatisfied and angry when he saw his deskmate playing. He thought: you'll be finished when the teacher points to you. After a while, the teacher said,“ Read cinema again” We read aloud and the same table pretended to read there. I was very helpless in my heart. After reciting for a while, the teacher began to call the roll. The teacher looked down and asked in doubt:“ This classmate, get up and read it again” The teacher looked at his deskmate. My deskmate stood up blankly, looked around, looked puzzled, his face gradually turned reddish, and touched his head. Finally, he stood until the class was over. Fortunately, I didn't make up numbers like this, otherwise&hellip…


the only way for us to succeed is to study hard. Only by practicing our real skills can we stand all tests
