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2022-05-11 13:43:47读后感访问手机版378

" bugle person " , it is an article that I am pleasant to the eye to have feeling most in this book.


Bugle person, the soldier that fights compared with those is more painstaking. In Cong Aiqing's poem:


“ bugle person coming loose from the shop rose on straw ground, he does not blame himself is to sleep on so damp mud ground. He tied up spry and lightly legging, he crossed a face with frozen bath, he looks at those companions that give out fatigued snore, then he stretchs his hand carry went his bugle; Still be outside the door dark, dawn did not come. ”


See they are the people that are slept lightly the earliest by dawn. The day still is in darkness, they are immersing with dip the dawn that the cupreous date blow of bloodstain is taking new hope.


He does not have any complaint, he thinks this is a divine thing even. He looks at hill, breathing fresh air, blow cupreous date, but who can know again,be in backside of this canorous trumpet call is bugle however person painful.


“ chafed when his breath with oneself when the cupreous skin of bugle makes bugle gives out noise, often have fine to invisible hematic silk, fly as trumpet call ……”


Ai Qing also is one nots hesitate the bugle of life person, he not dread anguish and overworked, for new hope of the society is struggling at that time, bugle person the composition that the face often blacks or yellow-changeable, just began me to feel some are exaggerative, but retrospective is read in it is normal to be in them to think this is slowly did not pass. They lie to coming loose in the shop in those curl up in the crowd with straw Mondayish ground, in the foul multitude that wearing grey cloth dress in those, most sleep lightly first.


In the consistent pace that turns round anything but, shedding kind of flushing crowd madly in, in close together successive detonation, he is blowing the most enthusiastic trumpet call, the soldier that incentive warm blood fights bravely. When a last bullet crosses his chest, he slowly laid down, do not have a person to discover however.


In this poem, the person that he was us to establish a bugle in the model on the square of Chinese history and dip are immersing the figure of the cupreous date of bloodstain, let us still heard that can clearly to once woke up encourage of shunt excitation of a nation today the trumpet call that this people advances courageously, also showed patriotic feelings of Ai Qing.


Ai Qing's poetry lets a person swing gas ileum.
