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2022-05-10 19:13:10读后感访问手机版245

" if give me 3 days light " the author of this book is · of Helen of well-known writer of 19 centuries United States Keller. It is a disabled, lose the sight when 19 months, ear is broken acute hearing. But fall in the help of young lady of Sha Li article later, she overcomes heavy obstruct, set foot on the road of haing Buddha, the trend is successful.


Helen · Keller is a person that struggle, I sympathize with her miserable experience, but more admire her! She opens successful door by right of tenacious perseverance, resemble a flower that blooms in desert, blossomming hard the glorious that life should have originally. “ sunshine always is after harships ” , had not experienced a setback to you can move toward a success how? “ wants time only deep, sword of ” of perseverance will prevail, “ sharp edge go out from go through the mill, wintersweet is sweet come from bitter cold ” , had not experienced affliction to you can experience successful hardships how?


" if give me 3 days light " , from inside this title, what I appeared to hear author bottom of the heart is sad and helpless, mix in order to hope to the person again infinite daydream. In a dark world, if had light, …… of history of the local customs that I can appreciate world each district, culture let me know go cherishing time, “ a inch of time a inch of gold, the money can't buy time writes a composition. ”


Helen · Keller can succeed, because she faces the life can strongly, bravely, hopefully,be, let life creation give a miracle.


Suffer Helen · Keller's influence, I also became a firm and hopeful child, trip also can oneself climb, because fail,won't shrink back with respect to pessimism. Remember once, mom helps me sign up played game of a piano. I did not get ready adequately before contest, table overlooks suddenly when causing the competition. I am very awkward at that time, can jump to was played then in the past only, red finally face runs nonofficeholding. But because this is crestfallen,I am done not have, be in the 2nd times before the match, I draw the lesson in front, drill seriously in the home musical instrument, can shut an eye to play even finally. In this match, I did not overlook table nearly, and play deep feeling is attractively, won an enthusiastic applause.


" if give me 3 days light " I read this book a lot of times, it makes me clear: Move toward light from darkness special not easy, need gives a lot of hardships and effort. Keller has Helen · only all one's life the bright and harmonic sound of 19 months, bring infinite hope to whole world people however. We should resemble her same, do to be not Koed by difficulty, create the fighter of life miracle!
