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2022-09-19 14:37:10五年级访问手机版303


We have a collective home, that is — earth. Protective home state one earth. But do you know? The earth already by us these destroy notting have that those who realize deed, each places are the world of rubbish, wadi also is sewage completely. Protecting home is our responsibility.


Protecting home is our responsibility. Manage rural area when your body, there is rubbish in the hand, lose the ground to go up directly, this is the practice of major person. But you, can be you lost? There perhaps is ash-bin on the edge,


But you, can you continue to staying to should wait be when encountering ash-bin, lost again? Want to know, the earth is our home, if your home is rubbish dump, do you manage? If each person loses rubbish at will; If do not have cleaner, do you have had thought the earth can become what kind of? Had you seen discharged foul water? Do you know them from why and come? Right composition, they come from —— person! Be because is our article with life indispensible place being produced,? Be won't contented heart! Those businessmen, you are knowable protect home, the word of knowable the ancients: “ inspects money to be like muck. ” why? You can get a lot of money, but did not have the home, money is a piece of paper stopped nevertheless.


A La La is on offing? Not, you think much, some is rubbish, rubbish only, still be rubbish! What a few films pat is very good, the fish inside can talk, their bitterly attack we, because of us they lost Home —— ! Protect home! If you can imagine a fish painful, the future that also considers us! It is a fish painful, return the life that is now? Protect the earth, protect the home!


Protect the earth, protect our animal? Collective home, future but period the look that wants you is aided.
