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2022-09-18 17:39:12五年级访问手机版466


The 5th ball, my young associate eventually catching, the face that she is stretching tight closely laughed, happy and bright, resemble the firework that opens abruptly, make the air all round hot rise. Also laughed accordingly in my heart, by her happy smile place infection. I think her heart door already was touched gently by the little wall ball of this black.


She gave me bat, I ran, listen to a coach to explain first, listen to twist chronically at the same time at the same time change the clothes behind me. Entered the court, stand beside the coach, before I am learning his appearance left foot to go up, sideways body, preparation receives a ball. The coach sent the first ball, I raise the hand subliminally come, go to first right shift, go to again left forcibly one brandish, very fortunately, the ball was received. The teacher is on the side aloud applauds, she always encourages me so, I feel the cell on my body began to beat trimly. Another ball came, my heart “ connected ” ground to tremble, resembled be being hit by the aerolite, day, I was received again. I do not receive the 3rd ball, perhaps be my some pride. The 4th ball has boiled beside me like the arrow that leaves spring, black ball resembles short and hurried high played on my beat, pure and honest echo is given out on white wall, also press talking sound of everybody went down. My mouth becomes warped quickly went up to the eye, I am very complacent. Whole wall was full of happy echo in ball house, ka Ka sound, laugh, applaud sound, of be in harmony of composition of warm be in harmony.


Each ground experiences children in the past, see this look, it is to hit mural ball for the first time, gains is not minor. The experience goes before father also goes up, he what love ball games skips addressly Zuo is worn.


The team was centered afresh again, I was in the first by the platoon. Through the first round training, I appear adroitness became much, below the coach's guidance, take time prettily like the model, the high one brandish before face, hear “ suddenly ah of ” , I look later, the beat that is me came up against her, my young associate. One instant, a lot of double eyes are dead deathtrap gaze at she points to the tear that seams a roll busy ground to flow. Everybody is used show tender affection for and helpless look looks at her, I look at her with the look of smilingly however, because I understand her, she always is so fragile.


Experience mural ball better to let us, two coaches of house of ball of empty Ga wall decide to let us watch a game between them. The match began, we bend over inward outside the door look around, two coach resembling run in cabinet of a glass moving, the mural ball of that black is played between wall come flick away, applaud the as one falls since sound. Finally, blue team won. Although I still am not very understand, nevertheless I had an abecedarian to understand to ball of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center.


Finally, we are in of the coach guide below, plant next writing to have the greenery of own name to doorway of mural ball house together, at one's leisure, I can see it.
