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2022-09-26 08:37:11四年级访问手机版410


Of a Zhou Wu in the evening, mom is held in the arms come home a big orchid. The leaf of blackish green color fine grow again, to all around diffuse, look bland. I felt puzzled: This flower looks so ordinary, why mom should buy it, is the rose that buys me to like most?


Mom puts orchid in the sitting room, let me take care of it. I very distain, look to also did not see it a few times repeatedly. A week went, 2 weeks went, it was given to forget by me slowly. But, that one morning that orchid opens, made me complete change the view to orchid however.


That day in the morning, a light faint scent rushed into my nose. I come to the sitting room as this light aroma, but because write a composition / several flowers were put in the sitting room, can not know this aroma out unexpectedly partly temporarily which flower. I hear the past all the way, discovered sending out the orchid that the beautiful —— of a faint fragrance is forgotten one pot that by me.


How pure and fresh a faint fragrance! Broadened unexpectedly above the beautiful bine of orchid one a virescent floret. Each flower resembles a graceful girl. A breeze is blown, some admires facial smile, some lowering one's head bashfully, return some to have dance lightly. Below the foil of greenery, blooming orchid seem jasper carve and into.


Although orchid is so gorgeous without the rose; Without chrysanthemum so cold-resistant, but it is silent ground confide is aromatic, the high quality of altruistic dedication is worth us to learn.
