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2022-09-15 06:38:10四年级访问手机版211


Yesterday, uncle and aunt belt I and friend went cinema, saw a movie, the film is called " mad extraterrestrial " .


The film has an earth person to be in at the beginning speak with the extraterrestrial, there still is an orb system that calls gene the ball in earthly hand, the extraterrestrial wants him to give astral a group of things with common features gene ball, earthly person did not hand over gene ball, still took a mobile phone to pat a piece to illuminate the associate that sent him message. The extraterrestrial targetted the weapon earthly person, certainly will grabs gene ball. Dangerous hour, the satellite controls a station to cry greatly: The person don't imagine that is possible of country of “ your C takes away gene ball. ” follows, a satellite with every second 1 billion meters speed to C country airship blasts off come over. “ bangs of ” , the satellite became one caboodle fragment. But the extraterrestrial's airship had favour composition to escape this one disaster, but this explosion forced airship to fall China. The person of C country knows to the person is sent to search an extraterrestrial on wheeler, a series of curious and eccentric thing …… happened when search


See this movie I knew a lot of countries are mixed a lot of tourist attractions. For instance: Er iron tower waits the Effie of the Statue of Liberty of the pyramid of Egypt, United States, Paris a moment, still understood ” of “ a show by a performing monkey. Still understood tellurian other universe a little at the same time, know the universe is very large from this, protean. Human science and technology also is developing slowly. In the process that see a movie, I also knew, the brotherly feeling of two leading role is very good, mutual help, mutual support, hitting fight noisely in be troubled by, grow together.


A really happy today day.
