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2022-09-23 10:30:02三年级访问手机版102


Today, I and Song Xiaogang, magnify is ursine, small the game that plays a cat by force to catch mouse.


Game regulation is: The means that uses a finger-guessing game decides who is become kitten, who is become mice, won when the kitten, washed-up is become mice. Rat hole is below the table, the kitten cannot be entered, but mice often cannot be waited for in the hole, because it wants to steal cheese, do not steal cheese mice the meeting is starved to death. The kitten is in very mouse is not caught inside Zhong Zhi, the kitten calculates be defeated.


We 4 people an a finger-guessing game, song Xiaogang is a kitten, we are mice. Game begins, we 3 “ brush ” ground leap up arrives below the table, song Xiaogang look on in despair, do not have method.


But, if we do not steal the word of cheese inside a minute, meet starved to death, calculate be defeated. I hoped magnify is ursine, he is aiming at the cheese on the chair, prepare wait for one's chance to act. Song Xiaogang is being stared at small strong, magnify bear hurries leap up comes out, want to steal cheese, but Song Xiaogang listens,have activity, change the target to magnify bear immediately, I take the advantage of this opportunity “ to brush ” ground leap up comes out, stole a few cheese, drill a hole again in. Magnify bear is in hot pursuit by Song Xiaogang full marks / , force so that do not have leeway, be forced nearby is gotten into a hole. And clever small strong also take advantage of an opportunity stole a few cheese to come back, we magnify of deal out of cheese of two one or two is ursine, taste with pleasure.


You see “ ! ” is small pointing to Song Xiaogang of nearby “ kitten ” by force to say. Original, we eat forget oneself, forget dare Song Xiaogang still is staring at us closely. “ such, small voice of ” my pressing says, “ is small strong, you run out first, run in corridor, hide. Magnify rebukes hide on the side of run to high chair, next I direct rehear. ”“OK! They agreed with ” . Small run out by force with the rapiddest rate, the edge runs to cry by the side of: You come to “ chase after me, song Xiaogang, will quickly chase after me. ” Song Xiaogang is chased after rapidly, I and magnify bear seize an opportunity, also run. Song Xiaogang is not chased after on small strong, chase after magnify to rebuke conversely. Magnify bear sits on the chair, shine quickly toward the side, let Song Xiaogang attack empty. At this moment, time of as it happens arrived, song Xiaogang can admit defeat only.


This is unitive force, we 3 people can make concerted effort, just won the victory of game.
