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2022-09-23 09:39:13三年级访问手机版230


Tonight, I myself should wash a sock! This can be too great really! Do not have those who think of old Mom is calm to lie on sofa, gave me a supercilious look: How many times has him “ washed a sock? The metropolis when I am so big like you cooks, wash the dress, oneself go to school ……”


Chatter really, nevertheless, I still want fight to begin completely to wash a sock!


Above all, put half clear water, put the stocking in water, soak in water. The water that mom talks about me to put by is too much, be in wasteful water.


After the sock is soaked adequately, the local rub of the calcaneal that I take soap general sock and toe one rub. Soap very not obedient, greasy in my hand, do not take care to be able to run. Then I am opposite with handgrip sock rub 6, pour water. Receive water a few times again, put the stocking in the basin all the time full, twist dry, again full, twist again dry, the sock swims to swim in water like small like two fish, as if saying: “ thanks small host to wash me so neatly! ” is final, eventually sock full clean, I take the sock, two hands to twist them dry, take the balcony to go up next air, this is good!


Ah, I am much more successful feeling!
