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2022-11-30 11:36:20六年级访问手机版279

The past is on the move in the endless flow of days, the horological sound of Di tick Da wove music score, recall once, memory led to the wine of the sweetest alcohol, not drink always is drunk.


Time is breathed, also deafening, time gave everybody fairly good youth, and fill in the pen of exam paper hold in our hand.


The ring that attend class is time reminds to ours, time just in time, the teenager has a dream, should not stop at enchanted, and should put into practice. Each knowledge that understands hard is nodded, solve a path problem that give, take an examination of the one Zhang Zhang examination paper that give, it is the mark that we leave on this exam paper. Jerky perhaps, slow perhaps, but we dare go all out, dare not wrestle, confused, want to go ahead only, effort can have get one's own back certainly.


The ring that finish class hides good. The classmate still sits in study locally, the classmate feels sunshine on corridor, a few Shu solve the prattle after having the classmate study in high strenth pressure... green campus is full of between every act, let a person can't help plainting the moment of time is softhearted.


Most memory letting a person is deep, bell of dinner of nothing is more... than, exhaustion of a day and hunger were extended abruptly, a kind of itch to try is in the classroom a inch of one very little ground diffuses, everybody's eye is staring at clock closely, those who hit a bell that ases if momently one kind cheers, a kind of caper defeats chrysalis and go out, no matter the meal of the dining room has how disagreement taste, that already was become most anxiously expect the place that reach.


After school rising and falling music, it is the music of time small the cry of animals. Study life of a day comes to end, but the step that teenager act vigorously takes did not stop. Look at ground of second hand tick to had turned, cultivated a minute, harvest a minute.


In this royal youth, only time is you most the person that dutiful is accompanied.


Be like you against time, she is your forever bosom friend, she is tender and sturdy station is behind you, ground of light tone delicate language is encouraging you to move toward a success; If your choice is abandonment, perhaps you will inspect time to be enemy, because of her absolutely impartiality leave uncovered half minutes.


The sound of time is long and dark. The road is boundless its are long, I will fluctuate and search.
