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2022-10-18 13:33:06六年级访问手机版222

Does computer age need not to need to practice calligraphy after all? Around this topic, our class men and women gave birth to both sides to launch a wonderful debate.


The schoolgirl is square, the schoolboy is instead square, all be all set, both sides is ticked off continuously tick off the ground to staring at adversary, there is a powerful smell of gunpowder in air full marks, big fight on the verge of breaking out, quite part " Mount Hua talks a sword " imposing manner.


"Ask both sides above all the point of view that one argue states him. " what the teacher's word pulled open moot is prelusive, in a moment, the at swords' points in the classroom, combative.


Hu Qian give fight above all, begin read out written challenge to war: "We think computer age needs to practice calligraphy. Above all calligraphy is our country's outstanding traditional culture, also be a kind of art, as the Chinese, we are accountability carry forward the civilization of the motherland. Next, it is OK to practice calligraphy the sentiment of edify person, training one the individual's volition, remove cultivate one's morality to raise sexual action. So we think computer age needs to practice calligraphy seriously more. " her sound clang strong, incompact not slow. After be being read, she throws a head arrogantly, provoke the ground to look to the other side.


Turn over an one argue ground of have a well-thought-out plan of Ji Haowen's classmate has received thread of discourse: "We think computer age does not need to practice calligraphy. Computer had entered an innumberable families now, everybody handles official bussiness with computer, chat etc. The font in computer emerges in endlessly, print the word that give beautiful and orderly, speed fast, it is handwritten cannot compare. Accordingly, we think computer age does not need to practice calligraphy. " his speech won teammate people blast an applause.


I what regard square as 2 argue am unwilling give the impression of weakness, "Whiz " the ground stands up, begin to rise in revolt of the other side: "Computer is to be able to type, but when typing, need uses phone, and paper should be used likewise when printing, do not accord with the environmental protection concept of new era. More what is more,the rather that, the word is the 2nd piece of face of the person, person of alleged word if, write skill is well the word has outer part which. " my word sentence sentence reasonable, placing thorn however, teammate delivers favorable view to me.


"The times is progress, the Chinese character also can go down with inheritance of another kind of means, you look, is the Chinese character on computer also a Chinese character? And, computer types than handwritten more efficient. Common saying says ' Gou Li at civilian, need not the magic art is ancient; Thing of careless Zhou Yu, need not abide is old. ' take advantage of an opportunity and for, fang Weiming Zhi Zhiju. " turn over embellish of Yang Peng of square argue hand to be refuted bitingly.


The controversy is entered turn white-hot level. Square Chen Liuli rises suddenly say: "I think the inheritance of the Chinese character cannot mechanization, we ought to... " her argue word in an orderly way, clarity of train of thought, I can't help feeling to her eloquence and reaction ability admire. Turn over square gold Cheng also give tit for tat: "Ancestor hands down the Chinese character, but we did not say to use computer to be able to type only, with handwritten more convenient than typing much quicker... " although remain calm, but the vent one's ill feeling that I still can feel to rise in his eye, as if can give glass penetrable. Hum! Also it doesn't matter is marvelous, in my heart think of countermeasure early, be about to rise, however by Liu Jin virtuous first, her word word clang, hit weak point of the other side continuously, force gold Cheng be rendered speechless, again and again thinks dehisce, was rancorred to go back again however. Chock of Liu Jin virtuous self-confidence looked at gold Cheng, the appearance of within one's grasp of a pair of confidence in victory. Be in at this moment, aside Yang Shu embellish come out boldly, if the saliva that the horizontal stroke flies to is shot to me like the arrow...


Everybody you one character I one language, shift the debate to the climax. Everybody does not let both sides of positive and negative who, have equal shares of it may be said, the collision of thought scintilla, the glamour that may be controversy contest is in. Final teacher enters the court summary, this ability calculates ended the contest, we also understood all things have two sides sex, be in advantageous below the case that has disadvantage, we should accomplish hasten benefit to avoid kill, both photograph union just is best.


Although this controversy victory or defeat is divided hard, but the argue of this truth makes person eternal life unforgettable.
