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2022-10-18 13:32:05六年级访问手机版293

Have what years static good, before somebody loads for us, just go.


-- preface


Pure Brightness rain in succession, spend family member of hold a memorial ceremony for in vain, thing of recall martyr hero, hot tear is filled with hold a memorial ceremony for of the socket of eye flower fetch. Be, let us holding a genuine heart in both hands, recall martyr,


Before long, in the full marks in long revolutionary fight years, how many resemble Jiang Zhujun, Liu Hulan, Qiu Shaoyun such heroic children, be the happiness of ethical liberation, people, spill blood on the land of the motherland, be them the blood that uses blackish red wrote the canto with the most gallant patriotism, when Pure Brightness comes, I greet to all martyr with the most devotional heart sincerely!


Ceng Ji is denied, qiu Shaoyun's achievement? A of the enemy incendiary is abandoned, happen to has to fall beside her, want to know, he should hit a few to boil to be able to avoid the risk that dies only at that time, but for whole conceal army, for whole fight plan, he is borne tenaciously came down, absolutely iron and steel does not cast him, however a person, the person of a vivid, which one potential energy of the bound is if change current generation,accomplished? But he was accomplished, what spirit is this? This is a kind of tough and castiron patriotism spirit!


Ceng Ji is denied, do that lock up in the jail " river elder sister " ? She regards the communication contact in Chongqing party as the staff member, when can be about to be about to liberate in the whole nation, she was arrested. The enemy is right his use both hard and soft tactics, still have the penalty of a variety of cruelty such as swim of duck of rack, condole, but he is to attack, do not succumb from beginning to end, the canorous of her justice stern cries piece: "Address of ranking full name Piao, I know, I also know inferior full name, address, but this is the secret of our party, cannot tell you, you can throw my head, but cannot cut down absolutely my thought. " enemy a cornered beast will do something desperate, of the again and again with punishment, bamboo prod, in an one finger that the root inserts in river elder sister, her finger is plunged into bloodily, but she stands fast from beginning to end the secret of the party, what spirit is this? This is a kind of communism spirit that is not afraid of sacrifice!


Of course, this is two in countless example merely, nevertheless this enough proves our revolutionary person of ideals and integrity is the country that how loves us, we are annual the recall activity that tomb-sweeping day holds for martyr pay respects to sb at his tomb and school, not be recall their intense patriotic enthusiasm?


Since such, we have what reason not to cherish this auspicious days, what reason does not value the happy life of this hard-earned again? If say history of abasement of change our country is the first phase, so, the state construction becomes socialistic modernization powerful nation, it is the 2nd phase, and a such arduous missions descend on our shoulder, since such, we think belief with respect to should firm put in order, hardheaded, annals puts Gao Yuancheng to be a when build socialistic modernization power!


This the person already died, arrival is cherished! We cherish today's happiness only, go all out to become strong, to achieve the Chinese nation great revive the dream adds a brick to add tile, contend for make times van, just can live to getting hero, martyr of not let sb down!


Martyr of hold a memorial ceremony for of Pure Brightness season, recall hero sends grief, inheritance red gene, contend for make times van!
