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2022-10-04 18:34:07六年级访问手机版354


Life is like same field game, have lots and lots of different results. Does not know whether chosen result is accurate, also good perhaps, but I am when the result in pursueing a heart, I by me what a ” of ordinary “ minor minor role touched life.


When that minor minor role appears, the winter that was last year. Snow is very big that year winter, 5 meters of above lose sight of even the person even, but who can think of again even if so a minor minor role, it is the everywhere on the street is visible outside sell little elder brother.


That day, my idle will be without the thing in the home him amuse oneself, but it is weather of the twelfth month of the lunar year after all, even if in the home also still very cold, I warm to warm body, opened a mobile phone, nodded a hot tea with milk. Sheet, I regretted, so cold day tea with milk arrived, is it hot still? Passed below my concern very long very long later, my doorbell rang eventually. After I open the door, I by outside the about that sells little elder brother was stupefied, next all on the whole body of little elder brother are white, already full marks / do not look quickly to give the look that subdues on body of little elder brother, had compared on the face only, snowflake had been bestrewed on eyelash, have a face only slightly aglow, the hand trembles ceaselessly the hand in outside sell a box to hand I, hard still let fast a smile is shown on numb face, an occupational speech spits in the mouth: “ wishs you have dinner is happy! ”


That momently, I stayed for a long time, bearing tear by force subsequently, still will send out in the hand caloric tea with milk, handed little elder brother. Outside “ very cold, this tea with milk is drunk to you. ” little elder brother also is to stay, showed in the eyes dare not believe, answered a god subsequently, the hand is received asply left hot drink, said a thank. There was tea with milk to move toward elevator later, went down.


Still have in so cold weather lots and lots of outside sell little elder brother, the person that outside taking what they send probably, sells also is met will come loose of steam outside sell give little elder brother, because be in their game,this is probably, this minor minor role also touched them.
