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2022-09-29 16:36:10六年级访问手机版341


Stranger, when remembering this thing, I still think to your pour words from heart. Your spirit that is happy to help a person is worth me to learn.


That is Sunday, we go to a hospital visitting ailing mother. We did not drive, take a bus to go. Get on that bus car, see the person of that one car, the chin of my Jing within an inch of falls down. Assemble of the poll on the car is moved, did not have our seat at all, do not have method we are forced to standing. I stand on board, casual look later, as a result of,see a grandfather only of the car swing, want trip immediately, I go by to the grandfather rapidly. At this moment, a new big elder sister stood from the seat, it is you! You helped up left shake right the grandfather that place, say to him: / of full marks of “ great grandfather, you sit in me this, I arrived immediately. ” (but I discover later, you fall late still than us. ) the grandfather wants to decline, but you are determined to want such, the grandfather is forced to sit. You see the grandfather sits, your happy laugh. One car person also sent favorable smile to you.


New big elder sister, you let your seat come out, you did not say your full name, let people experience your warmth however.


The light of a candle is insignificant, but the candle of two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two is to be able to illume whole world! New elder sister, you are one of these candles, because the world became much resemble you such and warm, bright! I nod assist for you! Wish on the world can some more like you such stranger!
