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2022-09-23 12:39:13六年级访问手机版294


There are a lot of things to be able to touch popular feeling on the world. I was touched.


When dusk, mom receives me to classes are over the little brother also follows came. I see mom is excited ran over, sat rapidly the backlash of the car. Transmitted a singing at this time, this sound is the male, listening to sound to also go up age. I ask mother: "Who is singing? "I heard on the road that I come to " , go looking. "Mom says. I say " is good excitedly. I say " is good excitedly..


Come near singing person. The smell head of my too impatient to wait comes. Observe that individual. See his my heart in. He is a disabled unexpectedly, mom also saw with the little brother. Singing disabled is worn in the paralysis on the car, there is microphone in the hand, the hand is filling a car, this one salver still is put on the car. There are a lot of moneys inside. I am thinking. The brother starts to talk: "Does this person want mom of money? "Does back-to-back move start to talk again can I give " his money? "Mom says: "Can. "The brother runs over, mom also feels puzzled he is rich run over. Mom is first draw out 10 yuan to let me visit a little brother to me from bag. I run to the little brother before, saw the little brother does not have a flower to go out, the 5 horn money that does not abandon a flower to go out all the time is put into that salver. I put those 10 yuan closely then. I and little brother returned mom before. I ask a little brother: "You money of that 5 horn is not not be willing to part with or use is beautiful, even assemble money buys a toy? "The little brother is laughing to answer me: You see a family be had pity on more! Lost double leg not only, but do not affect him to like to sing. But do not affect him to like to sing..


Touch in my heart at that time. Singing person and little brother let me understand a reason. Your life fails to cannot prevent the longing that dreams to oneself more no matter.
