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2022-09-23 12:38:12六年级访问手机版409


What is happiness? It is the life of wealthy person, what be? It is to eat well, those who wear is good. ……


Father says: ” I everyday very happy joy. Live carefree life happily everyday namely, having a good state of mind everyday, footloose amuse oneself.

爸爸说:”我每天都很幸福 快乐。 幸福就是每天过着无忧无虑的日子,每天都拥有着一个好的心情,自由自在的玩耍。

Can say, our everybody is very happy, because we are having healthy body, because we live in the world, because we are same, somebody cares and take care of. Happy, it is so simple.


Happy, not be money, not be authority. However the little space between that popular feeling and popular feeling.


In my brain, happy nowhere is absent. The happiest is to use outstanding achievement to repay be thankful parents and teacher.


Write down, I fell ill, the taste in those days is really bad to suffer. But also have very composition / much person visits me to care me, let me feel very happy very happy. Happiness can give us warmth!

记得,我生病了,那时的滋味真不好受。可是也有很作文/多人看望我 关心我,让我感觉很幸福 很开心。 幸福可以给我们温暖!

All things in nature are very happy. Resemble a flower of a beauty. Blossom and bear fruit, having easy environment, flower is happy also.

大自然中 所有的东西都很幸福。就像一朵朵美丽的鲜花。开花结果,有着舒适的环境,花儿也幸福。

Remember me seeing a program be called " happy Zhang is odd " , say you want to charge the thing that involves a success to be able to obtain you want only inside, satisfy our desire, are you not happy? Not can happy? You can have many happy.

记得我看过一个节目叫做《幸福账单》,里面说你只要闯关成功就可以获得你想要的东西,满足我们的愿望,你会不幸福吗?会不开心吗? 你会有多开心。

Who says who is not happy, our anyone says our misfortune good fortune without reason, we are very happy! Happiness is very simple, very ordinary.


We resemble volitant curassow, open wing, directional sky, because we are very happy,do not dread!

我们就像飞翔的大鸟,张开翅膀,方向天空,不畏惧 因为我们很幸福!

Happy, so simple.
