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2022-10-03 14:35:08初三访问手机版213


Do not forget national humiliation, revitalize China. —— preface


China present beauty and abundant, the An Tai that people lives is happy, joy also is in our heart. We more we have a powerful motherland and feel proud, also be us is a Chinese and proud.


Once dark


The indignation in the heart


China present prosperity, it is the pursuit with myriad China lifetime children, the longing in the heart and pride. And in this backside —— once Chinese —— is in that way darkness and extremely. From quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign only then, china closes to interact external, oneself develop oneself, cause China to lag behind, thenceforth rises, china already no longer powerful and prosperous. Become a state that be partitioned by others at will, be forced to sign a pact of another humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty with world each country, lease the “ of ground of child one after another of motherland mother ” goes out, allow to be trampled by those aggressor, devastate. And we are looking aside only however, do not have the force of any strike back. And those abhorrent aggressor, burn on Chinese territory kill foray, inordinate, do not put the Chinese in the eye, do not see the Chinese when the person. “ Chinese and dog must not be entered inside ” resembles a Li Jian, prickling the heart of children of motherland myriad warm blood deeply. Our motherland. Nevertheless, aggressor people aggressive and savage, make us feel bitterness and furious. Astonish the Nanjing massacre of China and foreign countries, if,inspect the life of our myriad brethren muck, aerosol of the melt into in the time that the life of hundred thousands of person is in a few short days only, the has that all over the mountains and plains only body that leave. The Chinese in those days, without dignity; The Chinese in those days, can't bear turn one's head.


Present prosperity


Pride and proud


Chinese weakness, of aggressor atrocious, aroused the dissatisfaction in heart of myriad China children and resentment. They should answer dignity for motherland rich. The head is thrown for the motherland in countless revolution martyr, after spilling warm blood, our motherland saw light eventually.


Go to Hong Kong, the regression of Macao is to use what the life of children of how many China changes. They not hesitate all cost, with oneself life, make a pledge towards the whole world: China stood up. China stood up.


To the first atom bomb, the explosion of h-bomb rises, china already was moved toward gradually brilliant. Countless abroad Chinese are this proud.


Fly on aerospace to airship of the first China again, china already was rich powerful nation. It is weak Xiaoguo no longer, stand high-spiritedly to go up at Central Plains earth.


Our motherland, stood up; Our motherland, move toward prosperity gradually.


Beautiful China


My Chinese dream


Our motherland from once the darkness prosperity to now, china already walked out of darkness, received light.


Those abhorrent aggressor people, also dare not launch a challenge to us again. Also be them, make Chinese progressively trend powerful, progressively trend is brilliant, the trend is brilliant


Because,also be they, make we understand “ is backward be about to take a beating ” , flog encourage is worn all the time we are ongoing.


Although we had had quiet life now, but the disgrace that we cannot forget the motherland certainly, effort study, hold effect motherland in the arms.


Do not forget national humiliation, revitalize China.
