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2022-07-15 16:00:01初二访问手机版303

“ will drop in temperature tomorrow, wear this, when avoiding what must go out cold. ”


“ need not, have this wool garment and the shirt inside enough, still do not have the Beginning of Winter, not need wears eider down to take. ”


How does “ go then? You are afraid of cold, do not wear warm dot, how to catch a cold to do? ”


“ ouch, carline, do not matter of do not matter, not was troubled by row not, granddaughter still is keeping operation! ”


“ anyway you must be worn, your do not matter, how do I do, you fell ill still is not me old grandma must serve you! ”


“ goes, I am worn, I wear ……”


Hearing this paragraph of conversation in me of job of the writing adjoining, the eyes can'ts help absentminded rise ……


The grandfather has entered an octogenarian, the grandma also passes seventy years of age already, two people husband and wife 50 years superabundant, the thing with the commonnest meantime is this is planted small noisy small be troubled by, have every day almost happen.


Two people go shopping.


“ old grandma, give me the package. ”


“ alas, you go your, I am carried so that move. ”


“ alas, me! ”


You walk along “ quickly! ”


“ your this carline how not reasonable ……”


The grandma spends birthday.


“ , birthday joy! ”


“ hum, chaos of from morning till night spends money, should buy this thing to do thing? ”


The grandfather falls ill.


“ myself is done have go to (row) ! ”


You have “ go to (row) , good person, I do well you Da writes a composition. ”

The thing with cat-and-dog such, without number.



Is but is this true, “ din ” ? I also once again and again is considering. Take a grandfather to help a grandma carry a thing for this thing, the fountainhead of “ clamorous ” is not the grandfather helps a grandma carry a thing, doesn't the grandma agree? Why does the grandfather help a grandma carry a thing? Do not worry about tired grandma namely? And the grandma does not wish to give a grandfather the thing, be also same reason? Because loving the other side,in the final analysis is. Every time when “ clamorous ” , I can feel, of grandfather eye ground feel distressed with love, the care on grandma face and stubborn, show ” of happiness of two words ——“ fully.


Yes, the life of grandfather grandma does not have the sweetness of the prince in fairy tale and princess love, what also be love persistence without hero of the men and women in foreign composing is fervent, they do not have dynamic, some, the dot in just wrangling usually then nods happiness.


“ complacently, I chat to did not affect you with your grandma! In the home ah, with respect to you the grandma is best, altruistic and great, dedicate silently, you must know favour graph to sign up for …”


The grandfather's word has not said, was interrupted by the grandma: “ goes, do not affect complacently to write line of business! ”


“ crash! ”


Looking at the door of lock, I laughed happily. Outside the window, fierce wind blast, heavy rain gourd ladle is spilled; Inside house, din is ceaseless, warmth if spring. Grandfather grandma, you can want all the time “ is noisy ” goes down!
