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2022-06-16 08:02:04初二访问手机版145

Someone once asked me what it was like to collapse, and I said I didn't know. But now, I still don't understand what it feels like to collapse, but I'm really about to collapse. Just because I didn't finish my homework today, the school teacher asked me to rewrite my homework ten times and hand it in before school. Obviously, I couldn't finish my homework no matter how I hurried, so the teacher called my father and told me not to go back to school until I finished my homework


on this long road, my heart is cold. I don't know whether I want to go home, but I know that once I get home, I will be beaten. Maybe I should stay out of the limelight, but where can I go? Thinking of this, I am a little melancholy. Since the third day of junior high school, my parents rarely let themselves go out to play. Even if they watch a movie, they will be blocked by all kinds of excuses. I don't have much interest. Writing is one of my few interests. Just yesterday, I wanted to write an article because of a sudden inspiration. Who knows, the more I write, the more fascinated I am, so that I didn't finish my homework


I don't know how long it took. I could vaguely see my iron door. I shook my body, picked up the key, slowly opened the door and sneaked in. My parents had already been sitting on the sofa waiting for me to come. My father's face was blue and my mother's face was not good. As soon as I entered the door, I was speechless, and the atmosphere began to tense“ The teacher just called me” It's OK not to listen. The anger hidden by my father erupted in an instant:“ Smelly boy! I dare not finish my homework. I won't teach you a lesson today” So, out of control, my father repaired my meal severely, leaving me covered with colorful clothes


in the end, they are forbidden to go out at home. They must stay at home quietly to do their homework. For a moment, I was in a trance. Who should I choose for my study and interest? Do you have to give up writing? Is it necessary to indulge in learning? I don't understand the answer now, and no one will tell me. In this way, I opened my notebook, which recorded the articles I had written before. The first page is my pride adverbial“ I must write an article that will make the students interested”, The characters are a little crooked, not because they are ugly, but because they are too excited. It seems that this is an extraordinary declaration. I seem to be back when I started writing this sentence three years ago. How energetic I was at that time? How can I be bald now? Even parents and even teachers can't understand themselves, but just stick to their interests. In this way, I grabbed my pen and got busy in my homework book


Maybe my parents won't support my interests, but I believe that as long as I work hard enough, I will be worthy of my interests
