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2022-10-22 13:31:04五年级访问手机版114

In the process that grows in me, have lots and lots of unforgettable things, these things resemble delimiting a shooting star of night sky, in these pasts, a thing left deep impression to me.


Believe everybody has done housework to live! However, are you written down so that you make the appearance with vivid housework for the first time? Previously, when seeing mom does chore, feel very good to play, that day I think I try very much. Still remember that day, mom as it happens is not in the home, I want to waited for mom to come back to give her a little surprise. Imagining in the heart: The room that look brand-new sees when mom comes back, of what appearance can you be? Can boast I, can you take me to go out to play? Think consider is worn, I can't help laughing at phonate.


Say to do do, I took a pot, installed a full water, when the result is carried, do not take care to be spilled to the ground. I am done some are at a loss, the work that attends the hand rapidly stops dirty article / , taking dishcloth to brush the water on the ground. Look to be brushed quickly when me when, I heard the sound that open the door, oh! Bad, mom comes back! I drop the cloth in the hand instantly, pretend the appearance of as if nothing happened, ran back to my room, admit to read a book really, at this moment, mom walked over to see me, say: “ star, you are dabble! ”“ is done not have, I just want to brush a table just, did not think of water was aspersed. I am low head says ” . Mom looks at me to be able to 'ted help laughing at sound, my this face is redder! Later, below mom's guidance I learned a lot of housework work, for instance: Brush a table, sweep the floor, pull the land, wash dress ……


Do chore actually also what unlike imagines is so simple, it is so difficult to also be done not have, when I and mom do chore together, I am very happy, because this lets me,I knew each other is helped is a kind of fun, this also let me feel —— truly I was brought up.
