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2022-09-30 22:30:01五年级访问手机版424


" young prince " it is this philosophical book, the emperor that the author is French Lyons in Su Pei of · dust gram, he is an air man also be a writer likewise. The cosmic trip that novel of this fairy tale passes a young prince is experienced, elaborated right socially different view of the person and criticism, let us send with deep province, including indicative import everywhere, look to be made clear already obscure, because of this book all the more attractive, beautiful.


Fiction writer develops an imagination with the form of an account in one's own words, he cannot find talking agreeable in the world of adult person. Later, because aircraft accident a fault on the right side knew young prince. Young prince told him air man to once visited 6 heavenly bodies to see a lot of strange people, come to the earth finally. In this tellurian he realised a lot of friends in a year, knew truth of a few philosophy, young finally prince cast off that heavy human body on him body to overcome, the home town that returned oneself.


In the “ in full text one day, if you go African desert travels, know this picture carefully please, lest misses a composition face to face / . If you have an opportunity over there the course, I request you, do not leave hurriedly, expect moment lays in this star. If has a child to go to you in front of, he is laughing at if, have a golden hair, do not answer the question that the family raises, who is you can guess him. In those days, excuse me you! Do not let me often so distressed, write a letter to tell me at once: He came back a paragraph of big adequately body revealed ……” the author is right of young prince do not abandon love with tired, yu You feels oily and rise, let us feel very Bei sorrows, in the artistic concept that takes us into a happiness.


Those who make my impression the deepest is a fox, it is the fox that is waiting for love only, also be a reason, maturity wisdom person. He is young prince in soulful teacher, guide, attentive on the affection of young prince teach.


A lease of life was filled in the appears to desert desert of young prince, his opportunity of survival resembles a flower if can blossom in the take root on big desert of the earth,growing ceaselessly, so young perhaps prince still can come to the earth again. I wish, young prince still can get together with us again!
