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2022-06-05 12:06:07初三访问手机版400

The Chinese nation is known as“ A land of Etiquette” It has always attached importance to tutoring. It is not uncommon to see family precepts in ancient books in history, and there are many praises for future generations. And“ Unwritten”, It is also a major feature of our national family discipline and has become an organic part of the code of conduct in daily life. To remove its dross, extract its essence, and integrate the essence of some family traditions and family instructions into new moral construction, many popular family instructions are already&ldquo. Family motto”, Form a family style

中华民族素有“礼仪之邦”之称,向来重视家教。历史上见诸典籍的家训并非鲜见,为后人称颂的也很多。而“不成文”,也是我国家规家训的一大特点,成为日常生活行为规范的有机部分。去其糟粕,取其精华,一些家风家训中的精华融入新的道德建设中 ,许多脍炙人口的家训,已经是“家家之训”,形成家家之风。

family style is the sum of a relatively stable moral code, traditional habits, way of life, life style and way of life formed by a family from generation to generation. It first reflects the power of morality. Paying attention to the construction of family style is the foundation of many people with lofty ideals and benevolence in China's history. From ancient times to now, Yan Zhitui's Yan family instructions, Zhuge Liang's book of admonishing children, Zhou Yi's book of encouraging children's generation, Zhu Zi's maxim of running a family, Zeng Guofan's family letter, Fu Lei's family letter and so on have been widely spread among the people, glittering with the ideological light of good family style. Historical“ Meng's mother moved three times&rdquo“ Mother-in-law stab&; Wait, it also shows a good family style“ If it is not simple, there is no clear purpose, and if it is not quiet, there is no way to go far&rdquo“ Always think of the day without the day, and don't wait for the time to think&rdquo“ Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth and don't drink too much wine” The ancient precepts of the Godson have been respected by the world so far. A good family style is not only beneficial to oneself, children and family, but also gradually affects the public's moral level and social atmosphere

家风是一个家庭在世代传承中形成的一种较为稳定的道德规范、传统习惯、为人之道、生活作风和生活方式的总和,它首先体现的是道德的力量。注重家风建设是我国历史上众多志士仁人的立家之本。从古至今,颜之推《颜氏家训》、诸葛亮《诫子书》、周怡《勉谕儿辈》、朱子《治家格言》、《曾国藩家书》、《傅雷家书》等等都在民间广为流传,闪烁着良好家风的思想光芒。历史上的“孟母三迁”“岳母刺字” 等等,同样展现着良好的家风。“非淡澹无以明志、非宁静无以致远”“常将有日思无日、莫待无时思有时”“莫贪意外之财、莫饮过量之酒”等教子中的古训至今为世人尊崇。好的家风不但对自己有利、对子女和家人有利,也逐步影响着大众的道德水平与社会的风气。

As an invisible force, family style has been influencing people imperceptibly. Everyone lives in a native family. If the original family style is good, this person will thrive; If the native family does not pay attention to the construction of family style, this person will take detours in the growth of composition. Good family style will have some common characteristics, such as: good moral atmosphere, healthy ideological atmosphere, positive emotional atmosphere, serious learning atmosphere, frugal living atmosphere and so on. It is this kind of atmosphere that brings up people who are physically and mentally healthy, have achievements and even make outstanding contributions to the society. It can be said that good family style creates a good cradle for children's growth. Under the condition of market economy, there are some urgent problems to be solved in the field of marriage and family in China: money worship in the view of love, careless knot and separation in marriage, excessive doting in family education, ignoring the elderly in filial piety, and even some people with fame and social status, especially their children, have embarked on the road of crime because they do not pay attention to the construction of family style. The lesson is painful. It proves the importance of family style construction from the opposite side


the key to the construction of family style lies in parents. Parents should first become conscientious people in the construction of family style, so as to consciously create their own good family style, continue their own good family style, and benefit the whole family and their children. In particular, leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in improving family style and educating their children. People are used to acting from top to bottom. The good family style of leading cadres will have a very important impact on establishing a good social atmosphere


In the new situation of accelerating the pace of reform and striving to realize the Chinese dream, it is of great significance to re mention the construction of family style. Family construction affects social construction, and a good family style will drive a good social atmosphere. Therefore, good family style is a kind of positive energy. We should start from every family, let every family have a good family style and cultivate civilized people. If we persist in this way, the positive trend of society will be carried forward and the civilization of the Chinese nation will be further improved
