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2022-06-05 08:08:09初三访问手机版237

On the windmill mountain is a school with a hundred years old. The thick and simple arch ticket door is engraved with 1884. Unlike other schools, this is a women's school


in the words of the headmaster: realistic women have their own character and pursuit, that is to cultivate independent, caring, intellectual and elegant modern women for the society


when I first entered school, the school gave us a etiquette education class and learned the dance "the land of etiquette". Let me have a deeper understanding of etiquette when I just entered junior high school. It seems that I paid more attention to my later frowns and smiles


Building 9 is the best preserved old building in the school. It was built in 1914 with wooden structure and antique flavor


this is the main position for our club class. Most of the open clubs are related to traditional culture. It also includes beauty salons, Hanfu clubs, etc. these courses for girls all reflect the importance that the school attaches to girls' literacy


the beauty society teaches us how to decorate ourselves and improve the skills of makeup. The Sinology society and Hanfu society let us soak in the classic culture, the calligraphy society and paper cutting society let us learn traditional art, and the tea art society let us become acquainted with the etiquette and customs of the tea ceremony and learn to treat people respectfully&hellip…。


the colorful community classes have broadened our vision and improved our comprehensive quality


After lunch, we like to walk around the campus. Our campus is as beautiful and quiet as a park. After more than 100 years of baptism, she maintains the architectural style of the Republic of China, like a lady of a family, echoing with xijindu not far away, and the whole campus exudes an ancient and simple atmosphere. In twos and threes, the young and lively figure and the crisp and cheerful laughter add vitality and vigor to this ancient campus


our campus is picturesque all year round


drifting profusely and disorderly, Wutong trees and ginkgo trees on the trees along the Boulevard in autumn. The leaves are mixed with some yellow leaves falling down. Every autumn, the leaves on the ground will accumulate a thick layer, and one foot will step up and send out&ldquo. Click click” The crisp sound and the cool wind blowing in the face make people feel refreshed


in winter, after a heavy snow, the whole campus was covered with snow and became a world wrapped in silver and plain. Standing in the teaching building, the clear air pours into the nasal cavity, and people can't bear to destroy it. There is also a thick layer on the pavilion not far away. Only the flower beds and lawns can be seen dotted with green


long history, simple campus and unique education are all infiltrating my life


in the blink of an eye, I'm already a junior high school sister. In another year, I will leave your arms and run to a broader world. I will cherish you in my heart forever
