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2022-09-27 07:30:02读后感访问手机版209


Today, I read contain call the turn " mother mice and husband " , this allegory has interest very much.


Those who say is a day, mice of a mother, escape hurriedly in burrow, say to the husband: "Give a major issue, a big cat wants to give a big cock ate off. " the man says: "That is the thing between big cock and big cat, what are you in charge of so much to work? " I feel the husband of mother mice is very good, unlike mother mice is meddlesome.


When we go to school, some classmates like my class nosy. The teacher does not let take automatic lead to write, I took to use a picture, another female classmate turns over my writing case, discover I took automatic lead next, female classmate tells a teacher, that male fellow student pulls my automatic lead, still throw pencil into ash-bin. I must cry with respect to gas, bend over to go up in the table, attended class, scientific teacher saw, I am enraged so that say not to come out at that time word, classmates helped me tell a teacher, the teacher says to let compensate of male fellow student my propelling pencil, compensate of result female classmate I, male fellow student also does not have compensate to now I, to now I also am on bad terms that male fellow student talks.


" mother mice and husband " allegorical, I feel that male fellow student and female classmate are officious " mother mice " , my mom often says with me: "Why do you know adjoining Laowang lives so for a long time? Because he does not intermeddle! Because he does not intermeddle!!
