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2022-07-01 06:06:08读后感访问手机版519

" snow lantern " those who tell is north a year whole summer and autumn had not issued a rain, this also brings about all crops all withered dead, coming in the winter, the village of these 100 other peoples begins those who accept hunger to suffer, I should not am not thin skeleton can see then.


Do not live adult and children people return unwilling to give up, the rice bucket that just wants a family member and rice crock are opened look, even a few children want handle to extend go in feel. Now, all things that have life write a composition becoming thin, person thin, pig thin, dog Lian Diao is thin, thin also. Those child people can look for a thing to eat only, because they calculate,think have fun, faint also amuse oneself, there is hunger only in their eye.


Abrupt one day, a beggar came in the village, he denounces what ate to the villager. I want to say to that beggar really, the villager does not have a bit commissariat, calculate the villager to have what also won't give you. Northward people is in the get over in sufferring without alimental winter, I am to admire really!
