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2022-06-08 02:09:09读后感访问手机版183

"Patriotism" in the book "education of love" is a letter written by my father to amritco. The main content of the letter is: amritco, why do I love Italy? Because my relatives, my ancestors, my birthplace, my blood, what I say and read are all Italian. The great people around me, the beautiful nature around me and everything I see, love, study and worship, They are all Italian things, so I love Italy. If foreigners are rude to our country, their anger will burst out from their heart. You can't be cowardly and shameless. In the future, you will fight for your country and can't return secretly. I'd like to see you return safely and triumphantly


patriotism, as the name suggests, is to love a motherland. Patriotism is the eternal theme of the Chinese nation; Patriotism is the sincere and eternal emotion of every Chinese; Patriotism is both a responsibility and an obligation


after reading this letter, I was deeply moved. As a Chinese, I learned about the stability, unity, prosperity and strength of the motherland through traveling and studying in textbooks. Such as the magnificent Great Wall, yunqi mountain and huangzuowen Mountain&hellip… The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, which is popular in the news, has become the most popular in the world, as well as the flying cause of the world's attention&hellip… So I love my motherland


The revolutionary martyrs exchanged their blood for our present new China, which gave us such a good learning environment. Therefore, I want to start from the little things around me, love my parents, teachers, classmates and school&hellip… Only pay and deliver these“ Little love;, In order to converge into the motherland” Great love”. As a student, I remember that when I was in the third grade, I was not very sensible. I often wandered and talked in class and didn't listen carefully. The teacher had to stop teaching to criticize me, which delayed everyone's time and worried the teacher. I grow up slowly and understand that teachers work hard to prepare lessons. If I don't listen well, I just don't respect and love teachers. I want to correct this mistake


for the sake of our country, we must study hard now, cherish the great time now, repay our teachers with excellent achievements, and make more contributions to the motherland in the future, so as to make our motherland more prosperous
