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2022-05-16 17:43:06读后感访问手机版496

" Shui Hu is passed " the story that is uprise of farmer of a depict. Among them, have a flock of brave man that can't bear despotic rule bully and oppress, they each special teaching materials is angry, and it is consider of poor common people everywhere.


Li Kui, it is me the person that likes most in these bridge mountain brave man. Dark color of skin, straightforward beard, his disposition is cloddish, but frank and outspoken, speak out from a sense of justice, loyal and devoted to just career and friend, although look at be astonished person, strength is impatient, but it is a honest man actually.


" Shui Hu is passed " in the nickname that bright person is having every individual character to belong to his especially, li Kui is not exceptional also, everybody call him ” of “ black tornado, hey, it is person if name really, it is the black man of a pepperbox!


Not only such, as " Shui Hu is passed " one of medium main characters, his story but many, these stories make me deep and infatuate, what make me impressive most among them is Li Kui in river city composition city first time sees Song Jiang when, li Kui showed his cloddish one side, river of speak bluntly the Song Dynasty is a black man, still spoke that one your person to cross the actor's lines that ear does not forget even: “ if Song Gongming, I fall do obeisance to; If idler, I am done obeisance to very bird. ” can be a Li Kui that your person loves to be enraged again again really!


May somebody asks me, as a girl, how to like Hu San's woman, Sun Erniang such female hero, like unluckily however such cloddish and obtrusive black tornado? Actually, this is concerned with the disposition of my oneself. I am the girl with extremely optimistic style of one individual character, effort also a bit is not defeated by a schoolboy, resemble moving water to remove a book this kind of effort is vivid I all along not decline to shoulder a responsibility. Natural, so bold and powerful like Li Kui fellow makes me be convinced more, especially of Li Kui plain also make me right his admire unceasingly.


This is my heart in cloddish honest however Li Kui, it is the black tornado that I like most.
