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2022-11-09 00:37:23五年级访问手机版303

After dinner passes, steam had been retreated slowly, the sun also fell hillside, left a dazzling Gong Xia only, hang horizon.


I go in bespread various cobble means, bright Gong Xia is illuminated on my hair, permeated my hair, take the eye that took my that Shuang Mingliang, ah! My eye is shot so that open by that dazzling light did not open his eyes, rays of morning or evening sunshine seemed to permeate my skin again, illuminate full the bones and muscles of my whole body, I slowly, slowly, to the top of one's bent the Gong Xia after enjoying dinner.


Before long, horizon exclusive Gong Xia is retreated slowly came loose, commutation became the dark night of a blue black La Hei, I sit on the pew by Xiaolu to looking up at that sky, all over the sky star ased if in the sky permanent the beauty that does not destroy is hanged, I am looked at look at, forgot time, forgot oneself where to be, everything all forgot. I was worn fan, cannot move, move does not open a footstep. Dark blue night sky is taking dot black ash again, that setting is blurred be like dreamland.


Gradually issued spit, pluvial water with a tick answers fell, rainwater the sleeve midstream from me come down, the hair from me is genteel come down, flow to the side of my mouth, I had answered a god rapidly, trot all the way returned the home, I am visitting inky evening on the balcony, borrowing lamplight to see rain from inside the sky wanton asperse fall, rainwater crossed a leaf, crossed the heart with infirm people...


The scenery of alley makes a person infatuate, want to watch all things seriously only, won't disappoint any person.
