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2022-11-01 12:35:16五年级访问手机版334

Some people do not like a bee, the thorn that says a bee very be fed up with, but I favore a bee however.


In the summer with a beautiful sunshine, I stroll. The tree of both sides is very brawny, truncal on have a lot of bifurcate, branches and leaves overlaps together, draped a composition severally emerald green coat, held off beautiful sunshine fitly, asperse the smooth vague impression that left to mottled. Gentle breeze light kiss crosses greenery, they are worn with respect to mirth, that sound as euphonic organ.


Too beautiful, I can't help approaching slowly. See shade of a tree falls only full sundry floret: The lily of a few quietly elegant, still have crape myrtle and honeysuckle. These flowers are like in wind with an only active elf, whole road is balmy 4 excessive... be like heaven and earth besides Hua Xiangshu shadow, do not have again other.


Do not know when, a buzz from transmit by ear. I look up to look, a small macula circles on my head, it is a bee so. See its apace fan is worn only wing, buzzing ground is crying, protesting I held off its outlet it seems that. My drop back a few paces, but did not go far. The bee also is considered must not pester with me, a glide, essence of life stops definitely on flower of a crape myrtle.


I approach carefully, in lilac leaf, small body is in slightly shakily. Bee round all around crawled a little while, got finally, thin thin wing is pointed dew comes out, appear more bright below eye.


flower people also like this guest it seems that call in, laugh gently stoop waist. Occasionally, flower is flinched too urticantly, the body can'ts help shaking a few, coordinating apian work silently again next, stand darlingly over.


Spend another flower from, the bee is like indefatigable. Collect when it enough nectar, flew eventually, circle in sky. I not dare phonate, it is screen lives even breath, alarm of for fear that it. But it seemed to still notice me, fly to me again beside, circling me curiously to turn again. My deadlocked lived, not dare move. Finally, this bee stops on my nose needle. Its wing stopped fan, slowly move is worn pace. was I regarded as does a flower won't do?


I am silent waiting, nose is crawly, want throbbing nose, delighted ground hits a big sneeze. This dot reconnaissance a little while, twisted a body to fly away at the moment from me again.


Far the figure that visitting a bee -- pass through below sunshine flowers, further and further, until disappear in the line of sight.


Poetic Ma of the United States pulls hertz to ever had written a such word: If you cannot become a highway, that is become an alley; If you cannot become the sun, that is become a star. The bee resembles extremely the starlet in boundless and indistinct horizon. Although ordinary, unlike life is euqally dazzling and dazzing, but they are blossomming however oneself distinctive ray.
