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2022-10-25 21:32:05五年级访问手机版275

The early morning with hazy misty rain, on each village and square had discharged early full grow senior team. Undertake nucleic acid detects in order, new round epidemic situation relapses, it is not easy to had let the epidemic situation that comes down smoothly large area erupted. For the safety of every people, country and party paid great price. The throughout the country is free complete member nucleic acid detects, free treatment, free vaccination. Seal the significant step such as city, segregation in time. Watch the west instead a few countries, the government did not handle epidemic situation correctly, regard political rich as the method of play chess this however, the people also does not have overmuch attention. Bring about infection rate to rise sharply, house of dead case of illness does not fall high.


Those lead a wandering life foreign boy far away from homes are lifted sufficient without arrange, and the motherland falls in the case with so severe epidemic situation, however resolutely the bosom that stretchs warmth resolutelyingly to them. Cure protects personnel everyday work from dawn to night is hurried off to in forefront, a of Zhang Wenhong " communist go up first " perfect explained a Chinese Communist to take on mission, do not be afraid of sacrifice, do not lose people's mind. Below the leader of the care of the motherland and Communist Party, those white garment angel people, spread out that whiteness full marks / wing, need to fly to where. If they arrive like angel, maintained a safe umbrella for us. It is the life that they let us more safe, more happy. Do not have new China without the Communist Party, it is the party guides the motherland and people to obtain successes and progress, it is the party guided us to overcome second difficulty, it is the party guides us to build well-off, trend prosperity is prosperous and strong, it is the party guides us to move toward the world.


The boy is strong a country is strong, of Liang Qichao " teenager China says " rise in the noise side my ear constantly. The teenager is Chinese future, regard a teenager as children, we need the study that make greater efforts of course, study assiduously. The China that lets us is more exuberant. Flourish more.
