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2022-10-17 15:32:05五年级访问手机版483

[piece one: Poor add is written]


Trouble grinds


Sang Na pulled open bed-curtain, fishermen says how you don't tell “ me earlier. ” Sang Na and fisher look at 7 lovely faces, sang Na and fisher showed smile, sang Na is silent the cross is being drawn before the bosom.


The following day those 7 children woke up, two children of Simon cry greatly, seeking their mother all the time. Marital early in the morning of Sang Na went out to fish, sang Na is cooking, two children that hear Simon suddenly cry to run to the bed to hold in the arms immediately greatly case two children went outside the door, the neighbour on the side people the cry that heard the child in succession run, somebody asks: “ how? ” Sang Na says: “ I went to night yesterday visit Simon, but Simon died, the whole body is inflexible, I see Simon beside two children are sleeping, I held them in the arms come back. Everybody says: “ works well Sang Na! Pron yourselves has had 5 children, plus two children of Simon, was to suffer from you really! ” villagers in succession come home, some takes vegetable, some took Sang Na of black bread …… to weep, the heart of ‘’ poor is be enlightened, acknowledgment is sacred! ‘’ Sang Na says to delimiting at the same time at the same time crossed.


Below the help of villagers, spent temporary difficulty, the road henceforth still is growing!


Fisher compares what rise before everyday earlier, go to sea fish, sang Na is attending children in the home, patchy, kindling cooks.


The day later although pinch, but boil at long last came over, a few children also were brought up gradually.


[piece 2: Poor add is written]


Pan great rich


Fishermen saw those two asleep children, the heart thinks of these two children are very poor! Their maternal …… at this moment, the thrill through in the eye of fisher a eyes, hand in in this eyes miscellaneous sadness, helpless, pity and to these two children love …… at this moment two children woke, can speak say: "Does mom go which? ? Sang Na says: “ your mom went very far very far place …… lets me bring up your ……” Sang Na to saying to say difference changed suddenly antrum, heat up tear as a few come down, had cheated children fortunately nevertheless.


Since Home Sang Na adopted after two children of Simon, zhang Yue comes to their day more provoking. Sang Na all the day busy ceaseless, want to take care of the life of 7 children already, want to clean domestic sanitation again, wash clothes cook, a bit available idle gives children patchy clothes in the home, repair the fishnet that tore to the husband. The white hair on Sang Na head rose more, furrow also mounted frontal eminence stealthily. She fears when this home can break down very much.


Fisher to maintain the life of this family, he always is risking danger to spelling a life work from dawn to night goes fishing. Composition / God seems to want intended test this fisher family, in succession a few days, fisher fishs is results very small, fisher and Sang Na are worn soon be about to uncover in the home not boil, but he auxes would rather he endures the torments of hunger, also do not let children be upset by unkindness. Sang Na is opposite especially two children of Simon care particularly. Time went every day, all day the fisher of overworked eventually tired fell, money is done not have to see a doctor in the home, fisher can procrastinate in the home only, but the illness will be weighed more. But urgent bad Sang Na, she borrows money to demand medical service to neighbour at the same time, attend at the same time the husband and child. In this most jeopardy ground hour, the fisherman on piscatorial village sympathizes with fisher home very, they reach the hand of aid, this collect a bit money, then the home delivers a few fish, helped fisher one day spend difficulty.


Flash went a few years, 7 children of Sang Na also were brought up gradually, they are very sensible, parents of very considerate also, give presents. Child door some helps parents go to sea fish, some help parents go into the street go selling a fish. Two children of Simon also very diligent, always helping Sang Na sweep the floor, clear away housework, learning to repair fishnet. The hard time of fisher and Sang Na boiled a head at long last. Conscientious, at long last loath cram oneself with food. Those neighbour that once had helped Sang Na people see they are in so difficult environment can child drag big, feel sympathize with. Fisher and Sang Na also do not forget those had helped their neighbour from beginning to end, the neighbour that often gives those poverty-stricken people send a fish, send black bread.


In this not rich fisherman village, fisher and Sang Na care the corrupt suffering, moral character that is happy to help a person to receive the praise of fishermans.


[piece 3: Poor add is written]


Hu Zhiyan


“ ? They are here so! ” fisher mentions barn lantern, saw 7 cerebella bag is close be next to, use favorable eye next


Hoping wife mulberry is graceful, gently pat the shoulder that pats Sang Na.


The following day early morning, fisher still fishs as usual, what just rise is earlier. Sang Na looks at the form of fisher, the cross is being drawn before the bosom, of the speak in a low voice in the mouth say: “ blesses what how must he install flatly to come back please, what bless health of these 7 children even is grown.


The child awoke to say: How does “ cheat two children of aunt home to be in our home on the west? ” Sang Na says: “ cheated an aunt to died yesterday on the west, are we good their adopt? ” of 7 children all with one voice say: “ good ” .


Have a meal every time two orphan that Sang Na can let Simon first satiate, let the child of own home again finally, sang Na and fisher every time hungry abdomen.


The day that can be happiness before long, be in in amuse oneself, the leg of a child of Home Simon is placed in big stone to unplug also unplug do not come out, 6 children of the others exert all his strength to give his leg pull out come, but the shank of that child broke off, sang Na and fisher hear the news come, also be to do not have method, want urgently dead, fortunately a fisher knows a bit medical skill, with ancestral bonesetting that child retreat cured.


This impoverished big family, no matter encounter what difficulty, they boil the past, these 7 children experienced wind storm rain like the seedings of cereal crops in cropland, be brought up gradually.


[piece 4: Poor add is written]


Liu Zirui


Sang Na pulled open bed-curtain, 7 children are asleep quietly. Fisher is very gratified, as if one continuously sunshine shoots heart, he says to Sang Na: “ does not have a thing, we can boil the past certainly. ” Sang Na nods, silent all the time move looks at the child.


The following day, fisher early goes out to fish, sang Na continues patchy in hut, a lot of things in the home are already worm-eaten, sang Na thinks: Children are lived happy go. Abrupt, 5 children of Sang Na ask Sang Na: Why does “ cheat the child of the aunt to be in our home on the west? ” Sang Na is silent say a little while: “ cheats an aunt to went out to travel on the west, we must bring up them. The child of ” Sang Na is small still, believed unexpectedly. She can'ts help worrying about a fisher to come, last the net that he tears cannot have fished, there still is a spare net in the home fortunately.


In the evening fisher came back, brought Yu Shaozhi little, sang Na and fisher are forced hungry abdomen, look at children to eating little little fish, sang Na and fisher do not agree to look at children hungry, be forced themselves is hungry, children also are loath cram oneself with food. such, day after day, year answer a year. The child of Simon and Sang Na was brought up, unconscious child knows his mother died on the west later, they are sad very, but they still thank Sang Na to be taken care of to theirs. A few Sang Na's a bit bigger children follow fisher to fish, the child of bit and the two children He Sangna that cheat on the west do chore in the home. But they remain loath cram oneself with food, sang Na and fisher also are to do not have method, they are so hard maintaining ……


Sang Na and fisher are old, they all the time be on short commons, fisher fell ill, their child and the child that cheat on the west are loath all the time cram oneself with food. After fisher go to the bad, because around without the doctor, his illness accentuates again, fisher was about to die. Not bad, acknowledgment is sacred, their can be saved, distance has an old doctor, hear the news come, bring back to life fisher. Sang Na says: Dr “ , I give you without money, here has a few fish, you are taken away, thank sacred ” , sang Na is delimiting with the hand crossed. The doctor says: “ I also am a poor, you a such poverty are foster still two orphan, make I am touched very much, I just from here arrives to save you besides a hunderd li, how can I receive your fund? The fish still leaves children to eat! Dr ” went.


The following day, sent dumb bell to knock …… 3 times, fisher is taking a few big children to fish.


Sunshine is illuminated into hut, in the house warm and comfortable, two children of a few dot and Sang Na are fighting noisely, sang Na continues to handling chore, awaiting the husband and child to fish come back.


[piece 5: Poor add is written]


Xing Tianze


Fisher raises barn lantern, the child of two children that saw Sang Na and own home sleeps together, laughing to say “ to Sang Na, sang Na, they are here so, be to happen to have the same view really! ”


Fisher and Sang Na have 7 children now, this makes their life more difficult.


Fisher decision catchs him the fish that come is taken sell to market, with respect to such their get over, , 7 children were brought up.


They help fisher arrive maritime fish, take by eldest son Cupid and fisher of the help in 2 sons Lv Bo sell to market.


A day, they take the fish as always to market, encountering a group of robber at this moment robbing a person, fisher and two children saw, before taking gaff to rush, go, fight with robber. In fighting process, father and son 3 people are precipitant, take the bull by the horns, can be the fisher with aged weak put oneself in another's position gets hurt, finally still is a robber nab. The person that is robbed by robber is millionaire, he sees his savior sufferred an injury, then he receives fisher returned him home, but the home that fisher holds to to want to answer his, after millionaire have no alternative is forced to cure the injury of fisher, remand he that is shabby warm however hut.


The day goes every day, the injury of fisher also improves gradually rise. Send know clearly at this moment a letter, fisher opens face of letter inside front cover to have a piece of paper and a piece of check, the number on check is gotten greatly breathtaking, , 10, 100, 1000, fisher of 10 thousand …… is frightened so that not quite up to the mark skips from the bed come down. Read a letter again, fisher understood, that millionaire sends this, say on the letter: “ thanks you, the Trojan that be ready to help others for a just cause, this piece of check is my little purpose, ask you to close. ”


How can I want ‘’ this money? ‘’ fisher thinks, he looks for wife Sang Na to discuss this matter, how to ask Sang Na should do? Sang Na says ‘ suggests brave is, every person that has intuitive knowledge should be done, although we are very poor, but also cannot accept this money. ‘’ Sang Na is saying, delimiting before the bosom crossed. Fisher laugh, “ , another happens to have the same view ” . Fisher gives plute return that money.


Later, fisher and Sang Na continue to live more impoverished life, acknowledgment is sacred, children are healthy still.


[piece 6: Poor add is written]


Black clouds


Sang Na pulled open bed-curtain, fisher and wife look at 7 children, very gratified. Sang Na is delimiting before silently bosom crossed, fisher premonitions, the time in the future is more hard, he is loving wife Sang Na and children deeply, a tear flowed down the cheek with fisher black pear.


The following day, 5 children of the wife wake in light of to the side two little sisters feel very open-eyed. He is loud vociferant: ‘’ the little little sister that whose home this is? Why can you be on our bed? ‘’ fisher, the issue that hears an one after another feels very difficult answer, how is knowing good. He pats the shoulder of the wife: ‘ your ’ goes, tell them the truth! ‘’ wife is very loath say to children: “ Simon aunt because too take care died, so. The child that the aunt cheats on the west lets us take, do you agree? The children of ” Simon say: ‘’ little little sister is so pitiful, OK of course. I am met certainly well the little little sister that treats us won't let her suffer the grievance of a bit. ‘’


such, fisher, wife and 7 children spent hardly 10 years. Acknowledgment is sacred, children are healthy still.


A day of early morning, fisher is getting a few big children to carrying cold wind on the head to fish. Sang Na is filling to defeat sail in the home. Filling Wan Fan, accost comes over in a few children of the home, crowd around together, on the ground that laying a sand, sang Na teachs a few children to write. Original, their home does not have money to go to school, sang Na is forced to write in family education children, children are assiduous still, admit learn. “ thanks sacred ” Sang Na at the same time solilo-quize, delimiting at the same time crossed.


The family is very harmonious, the fish that hits sometimes is very few, fisher and Sang Na are bearing hunger, letting children eat, big elder sisters of eldest brother brother are letting brother little sisters. Weather chill, only two children of Sang Na have a shoe to wear, 5 oneself children are smooth foot.


It is this kind of kind-hearted force, supporting a family hardship lives; It is the force of this kind of justice, no matter how the condition is difficult, they struggle tenaciously on dead line; It is the force of this kind of love, they can harships travel at double speed and destiny make a stand against.


[piece 7: Poor add is written]


Zhou Bo


“ ? ” fisher is carrying barn lantern, go to the front of the bed, pulled open bed-curtain, 7 children sleep sweet, their breath is even and lovely, the eye below yellow hair is small shutting, still floating on the face …… of filar silk blush


“ mulberry is graceful. ” fisher had thumb to mulberry graceful vertical stroke, but his expression becomes in succession very dignified, he says to the wife: “ mulberry is graceful, we may be compared after more difficult now. I should hit fishing early, and you also will more painstaking. We must try hard, our …… always can hold out the past, moment is not early, you sleep quickly! "When Sang Na sleeps, there is crossed “ silently to wish before the bosom again the god blesses our ……”


Time is in this elapses silently in hard time, although the family is badly off, the be in harmony of its Le Rong that also passes however, in a twinkle, 7 years of past ……


One day, a guest came in their home, disturbed calm of home of this one fishing and unruffled. Fisher as usual, drive this boat moment coming home, encountered a gentleman Mr ……“ however, who do you look for excuse me? ”“ hello, I am two sons that looking for me, should you be Simon's neighbour? I am her husband, old before, I get rescued by good luck in shipwreck, fend in an alien land, I do not have dead …… actually excuse me, had you seen two my children? "At the moment, fisher is knitting brows, the look is being taken an uneasiness and do not abandon, he still is say " hum finally, they are in my home, gentleman, come with me please. "Saying, fisher was taking a man to answer domestic ……


In the evening, fisher and Sang Na are embracing two children, sang Na is full of say sadly: “ father mother also is not willing to send out you. But, we cannot let you such very move have a rough time. ” child, be sent. The child bends over on board, cry loudly, fisher and Sang Na also burst into tears ……


Old hind, these two children returned home small town. Seawater still rap this coast, all as usual. But, exclusive they that sweet home not answer exist. Ask ability knows, they are in fisher body of the funeral in plague ……


Two boys cry bitterly rises, they regret, regretted to leave this domestic …… his compunction at the outset, compunction god is such inequitable …… nowadays, their account visits grey day, the again can indistinct face that thinks of parents is ambiguous.
