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2022-09-28 22:33:06五年级访问手机版389


The 2nd of this morning, contest of a controversy began, this is a war that does not have smoke of gunpowder.


Both sides of positive and negative is obtaining a data, at swords' points, the spot becomes very nervous. The determination that they win victory and confidence are about the be vividly portrayed in the mouth from them.


The theme that argues this is: Beneficial ” checks “ open a book definitely unlikelihood of “ open a book to read beneficial ” . Controversy contest began, square one argue takes the lead in making a speech: Argue of “ the other side is friendly, we think ‘ open a book is sure and good ’ . Shakespeare has said ‘ book is the nourishment ’ of the whole world, since be nourishment, that proves open a book is good. ” square is told, turn over an one argue ill-affected, stand up immediately give strike back: “ we think may not of ‘ open a book to read is beneficial 2 argue aid ’……” square instantly force one argue: “ Liu Xiang says ‘ book is fine medicine, what be apt to reads is OK cure I ’ also! ” my criterion is seeing them silently aside, but when I hear this word, the one Jing in the heart, I think: Flooey, composition / this word has small accident. As expected, turn over a 2 argue to seize this opportunity, chase after closely do not put: “ your storytelling is medicine, have fine drug so, also can have bane certainly! ”


This word irrigated a cold water to the confidence of square, the resolution that gives them brings blow. Square fills immediately went up this large hole, yang Xiaohao stood, say excitedly: “ some classmates looked " blessing Er rub this " , like to act blessing Er rub this, still holding ……” of a big pipe his glib let him become the “ weapon ” with the greatest power. Oppose a combination of 4 argue hand, the plan gives square final biff, end this one debate, who knows at that time square one argue exert all over skill, and my criterion continues to enjoy their wonderful controversy silently.


The teacher announces: Just win instead, add very. Final square still was defeated, just win instead.


This controversy competition is very intense, I like controversy game! Because controversy competition is real too wonderful!
