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2022-09-24 16:34:06五年级访问手机版227


In the morning, I and father mother still are enmeshed in wonderful dream. Abrupt, a noise of ” of “ Zhi Zhi, disturbed my fond dream, who is I want to know very much one big early the fond dream that disturbed me. Then I down noise, the ” of flummery of “ of master —— hamster that found noise.


I look into flummery nearly! It is taking its sock, well! Why does flummery eat a thing not to chew food, does it just swallow those alimental? How can it swallow so big food?


A chain of problem makes my feel puzzled. I go looking for computer of my ”—— of “ good friend. I ask it: When why hamster has a thing is food chewed? It says: The cheek both sides of hamster, have bag of a face, when this face bursa can help it grab a thing to eat in somebody, fill in food into facial bursa, wait grab thing eater to go, it is OK the composition / food is taken from facial bursa, enjoy food well. See the answer of computer, my heart ahead gave birth to a wonderful think of a way.


I want to invent a thing that resembles hamster face bag. Because we always eat the meeting when the thing to talk, what perhaps eat is too fast, it is very easy to bring about food card is in throat. And this thing that I invent, of the structural make it that is imitated face bursa, it can help us when having a thing, won't block food in throat, make a stomach OK be digested slowly, also can meet in order to prevent abdomen painful.


The facial bursa to us help of hamster but really big! Waited for me to be brought up, perhaps I can make the thing that resembles hamster face bag, come benefit mankind. So we should thank nature to give us so much inspiration, because had the enlightenment of nature,be, we just can have so good now life!
