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2022-12-14 13:48:02四年级访问手机版544

Glacial heart has said: Childhood! It is a dream medium true, it is really medium dream, it is the tearful smile when memory. I am told today, the campus disturbance that happens on my body.


There is the fellow student that is called Peng Kang Cheng on our class, I and he is a good friend, also be a pair " the enemy " . But I and he has a few little weakness, i, be irritated easily namely, lane became angry lay a person with respect to love. He, love to take nickname to others namely.


Say this, when he is attending class, look for me to want a dictionary. In a low voice say: "In Zhang Yao, take the dictionary! " I did not manage he. Passed a little while, he called me several monicker continuously again. For instance: Piece force, piece foolish force etc. Hear him to have nickname to me, cry before whole class classmate in the classroom, the fury for a long time that gets my heart is mediumly cannot calm. Arrived to finish class, he opens my satchel actually, grab my thing, the dictionary that takes me and he sends my small card. My agitatedly, attack to him. See the tiger of prey like, hit to his body. Teacher as it happens saw, criticized us two.


Finally, we two become reconciled. Still understood a reason: Should resemble " little wooden vessel " the society includes each other like the Chen Ming in.
