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2022-11-06 21:32:05四年级访问手机版278

51 holiday, I and father mother Youluo's in relief the Longmen Grottoes. It is beautiful and grand really there.


Leave booking office, come to the gate. Of greet is the gravelstone hole of the Yi He of left hand side and right hand side. Walk into gravelstone hole,


Gravelstone hole submits lotus valve form, there is cross one's legs of Buddha of one honour stone among and sit, expression is serene. There still is small Buddha on the cliff on the side, let a person admire the skill of the ancients.


Again upgrade goes, gravelstone hole is increasing. Some Buddha on the ground and the ground sits, some fingered citron hold lotus in both hands, some fingered citron hold musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass, return some Buddha to be like 1000 hands avalokitesvara... go to more in, grotto is bigger and bigger but the biggest the most wonderful be about to count Lushenadafo! Whole grotto about can stand below 1000 people. Most among, it is Lushenadafo namely. See him only, expression is serene, two small shut. Issue half body cross one's legs and sit, there is two on the side honour arhat is standing, they are Lushena prentice. Look outside again, it is 4 days of big king. Their look is elegant and earnest. Among them, outside there still are two hideouses below the foot of two days king, jovian appearance lets person admire really.


When curtain of night arrives, we had gone to Yi He thither, look at the past, the Longmen Grottoes has been illumed, greatly small grotto is taken to be strung together together by maize lamp, really grand!


The Longmen Grottoes is really beautiful and grand!
