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2022-11-06 17:37:16四年级访问手机版532

Regular meeting experiences success and failure in the life, but failure is not terrible, terrible is you cannot him conquer. Recently, my conquer fear tall.


A day morning, father is carrying a big package on the back, excitedly ground says to me: "Quickly, we climb together. " agreed on my mouth, satisfying in it is however 1000 loath, 10 thousand loath, still was procrastinated to get on a car by father finally.


Arrived below the foot of a hill, I look up to look, feel this hill is taller than Mount Everest. Ceaseless somebody is on the side on Xiang Shan " aggression " , father also is urging me persistently: "What are you thinking? Go. " do not have method, I am forced brows tightens a lock, closed an eye, go to stop, still think in the heart: Does old day have enemy to me? Fortunately father is on the side of me side, I am pulled when my fast is acedia every time, I was at ease. Spent two hours so, we arrive eventually half half way up the mountain. "See that. " I look down the direction of father's finger, it is telpher so, telpher on somebody is in shriek, somebody is in take a picture, returned somebody to stand even... father used again: "We also try downhill. " hear this, feared me tall feeling a thunder from the clear sky, there are a lot of bees in the head crying.


Do not know how I mount hill later, remember cerebrum only a blank. Father lets me open an eye to see a prospect forcibly, soon we are closer and closer from the summit, still have 20 meters, 10 meters, close, closer... I and father sat telpher, just began me to close a key point, still screaming in the heart, because be afraid of others jest I. I did not cry in the heart later, however slowly goggle, see the mountain peak that tower aloft, forceful tree, the forage bird that the sky has flown to, draw became a nature, harmonious picture. "Be too beautiful really! " I can't help plainting. How don't I fear tall? Oh! It is beautiful scenery let me forget fear tall.


Experience this, make me clear, when you the thought is in centrally fear tall when, you fear tall; If focus attention to beautiful scenery, change an angle to view the world, the world will be more beautiful! Fear tall also by conquer.
