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2022-11-01 01:33:10四年级访问手机版308

I have an animal friend, call a tortoise, I and it is best friend. My elder brother also has a tortoise, call bastard. We live together, one start of a race, fight together, swim together, play but happy.


One day, I and elder brother agreement are in composition the match comes with respective tortoise in the home.


The first field comparing runs. We let them stand on same scratch line, one let go, they begin to run. The tortoise that can be me however a bit place also not move, won't it be to want game? At this moment, I want to extend hand push it is one. The hand still is done not have, the elder brother is holding me in the arms, do not let me go, I am forced to cry in place: "Cheer, tortoise! Cheer, tortoise! " my tortoise still did not move a inch of place. Alas, gas gets me ah... in a few minutes, the elder brother's bastard won, I am forced to admit defeat, in the heart very not happy.


The 2nd field comparing fights (hey, you won't say we are quite bad) . The elder brother's bastard bends over to go up in my black curvature of the spinal column all the time, I am anxious, cry all the time: "Tortoise, threw it, threw it! " my tortoise was understood really, it dashs suddenly, threw the elder brother's bastard really, I won! This time I won, really happy! Want to come again " 100 million " bureau, but my brother says not to want, I am forced to stop.


The 3rd match swims. We catch them first outside, the water of local put away that swimming again, began natant race. We cry together: "Just a little 3! " put down chelonian at the same time, my tortoise rushs euqally forth like the arrow, a few seconds arrived on. But the bastard of my elder brother stays in place only however, the gangmaster is retractive go, like seeming to be asleep. Ha, I won again, I jump with joy, grab the tortoise kisses it continuously. I visit an elder brother again, he very not happy, the bastard that abandons him takes coke to be drunk directly in freezer. Good, you are to get " happy " a bit.


Two chelonian were brought up with respect to free captive animals, cannot be found forever, I and elder brother are very sad.
