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2022-11-01 00:39:24四年级访问手机版462

I have the puppy that accompanied me 10 years only, it calls Chinese rhubarb. Before a few weeks, it lost precious life, discovery is later by person kill with poison. I sadness painful, the meal also does not have, become aware also do not sleep, wish to shoot that assailant.


I remember Chinese rhubarb has the hair of softness of a suit yellow, greatly first, grow chief body, spy article thin leg, still on its face one grows lasting knife mark, there is inarticulate yearning in the heart.


Chinese rhubarb likes to eat congee at ordinary times, if sum gallinaceous skin, character again, it eats certainly with pleasure; Chinese rhubarb go up at ordinary times I see the toilet be not worn, I suspect it is no-go sometimes; It sleeps at ordinary times which are comfortable sleep toward which, always be happy-go-lucky.


Once, we go to grandma home. I get off, the dog son that Chinese rhubarb is taking it people run round me, lick my foot, lick my hand. I am touching dog hair, that comfortable fluff is softer than cotton.


Sometimes Chinese rhubarb can take a lot of dog cub to go the kitchen steals an egg to eat. I can run to tell a grandma secretly sometimes, can say in a low voice with them sometimes " : Cheer, quickly, the grandma should come, I help you keep watch, careful, fasten an egg batter down. Alas, you the thief stealing an egg with this clumsy side! You the thief stealing an egg with this clumsy side!!


But the pieplant of our home meets those who give birth to treasure of the stone of a dog's gall bladder. It always is celebrating a festival it seems that of have a youthful look, be born one year 9 times almost, can give birth to 56. My uncle is fiercer, can discern which dog is fair dog, which dog is bitch. The dog cub that is born is extremely lovely!


Chinese rhubarb ought not to die really! I am really sadness painful! I pledge: Must capture that thug!
